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Updating Repository without Internet

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    Updating Repository without Internet

    Hi everybody.

    How can you update the repository without internet? I've tried to install may cell as a modem ( but can't find a way to do it, so the only way I can is to do it offline.



    Re: Updating Repository without Internet

    How can you update the repository without internet?
    You can't. So you have a couple of choices:
    (1) Follow the instructions for Kubuntu at the web page that you cited in your other thread. Unfortunately, my Italian is rudimentary, at best, so I can't even suggest how to change those instructions for your situation, but there are native Italian speakers, on this forum who can help you.

    (2) It doesn't have to be YOUR internet connection, and, more to the point, you don't necessarily have to connect more than once in Linux. So take your laptop to work or school, (or maybe, even a public library) and instasll the package "apt-zip". To quote from the package description:
    These scripts simplify the process of using dselect and apt on a non-networked Debian box, using removable media like ZIP floppies and USB keys. One generates a `fetch' script (supporting backends such as wget and lftp, in a modular, extensible way) to be run on a host with better connectivity, check space constraints of your removable media, and then install the package on your Debian box.
    read Kubuntu for Debian. In addition, you can substitute the corresponding windoze (actually, DOS) commands for wget and lftp.


      Re: Updating Repository without Internet


      thanks for the answer, there is only one small problem. My computer is a desktop and not a laptop. So I guess that I should find someone who would let me hook up my PC and download what I need.....



        Re: Updating Repository without Internet

        Originally posted by crl6904
        My computer is a desktop and not a laptop.
        No chance of grabbing one of those "good old" pre-ISDN / pre-ADSL modems?
        As a matter of fact, I'd say, Linux requires at least a minimum of connectivity.


        Further Reading


          Re: Updating Repository without Internet

          i read italian may be needed here?
          posso dare una mano?
          gnu/linux is not windoze


            Re: Updating Repository without Internet


            for Unicorn Rider : you are right, but at the moment I do not have intentions of installing a telephone at home (I will be moving soon)

            for jankushka : magari!!

            I have two choices left :
            • link my cell to my PC and update my repositories
            • find someone who can download the repositories and send them on CD/DVD to me

            That is unless, some can see another solution...



              Re: Updating Repository without Internet

              i think it'd be rude to start writing in italian in this thread...
              my email address is visible if you want/need to write in italian.
              or there's the personal messages thing here on this forum...

              if you were sure there's an open wireless connection somewhere around you,
              you could get hold of one of those usb wireless cards and work with that one.

              otherwise, i could download the dvd iso, burn it, and put it in the mail to you.
              it's not a big deal, i think.

              only thing is, i need to be sure exactly what needs to be downloaded.
              it would be frustrating if crl6904 weren't then able to use it...

              couple of things, then:
              a) crl6904, you need to tell us what your system is
              b) askrieger and unicornrider, we need to work out what needs to be downloaded
              c) crl6904, i need to have your snail mail address

              gnu/linux is not windoze


                Re: Updating Repository without Internet

                Personally, I had no intention (eventhough I wrote a word in Italian) to continue the post in Italian.

                I think that I will :

                1) try to see if I can find a wireles connection nearby.
                2) find out if I am able to find a copy of the DVD with a magazine
                3) see if I can find a friend who has the DVD or can download the iso

                I think that this is probably the simplest solution (from what I read in the last post).




                  Re: Updating Repository without Internet

                  Originally posted by crl6904
                  a copy of the DVD with a magazine


                    Re: Updating Repository without Internet

                    I've been able to resolve the problem, thanks to jankushka and a friend who copied the DVD iso for me.

                    I was also able to connect my PC to my cellular in order to go into internet.

                    Sholud I post a sort of how to in this post?

                    Thanks for the help


                      Re: Updating Repository without Internet

                      Originally posted by crl6904

                      Should I post a sort of how to in this post?
                      That would be a very nice contribution! It's always surprising how many folks are trying to install and use *buntu with no Internet connection. We could just point them to your How-To.

                      Thanks in advance!


                        Re: Updating Repository without Internet

                        For the administrators : please let me know if I should correct something...


                        Requirements :

                        Kubuntu iso (4,3BGB) on DVD

                        Steps :

                        1) open adept manager
                        2) select manage repositories
                        3) on the third page select add CD-ROM
                        4) add .deb file
                        5) save
                        6) update repositories (untill now full and safe upload were not selectable, now they can be selected)
                        7) select manage repositories
                        8 ) erase the .deb dvd file and save (if not erased, the next time that kubuntu is opened you will have errors and not be able to use adept)

                        Notes :

                        1) Not all repositories are updated and not all programs are available in this method. Main is fairly well updated while restricted has a few files. Multiverse is not updated for example
                        2) Being able to update without internet is fairly difficult as well as finding the DVD ISO. My personal advice is to try to use internet. To do so, I connected my cellular to my PC and used it as a modem It's fairly slow but everything is going fie so far.
                        3) You will find many sites that try to sell you copies of repositories or programs on DVD. My personal advice is to please check with someone who knows about *ubuntu before buying. I almost bought something that would be entirely useless in updating my repositories.
                        4) To download the dvd go to : and you will find a DVD version on the bottom of the page.
                        5) Use google to search for information that you may need

                        This is what I did (a newbie) and hopefully it may work for you too.


