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Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

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    Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS


    I come into a annoiying problem... my 8800GTS is not recongised in kubuntu 7.04 and even when I use a Vesa adapter as videocard..

    Please can you guys give me any help for this

    Re: Feisty 64 bist and new 8800GTS

    Yep. The good news is, congratulations on that shiny new 8800 GTS! The bad news is, you almost got it too soon!

    Only the latest proprietary Nvidia driver, 100.14.11, will run it. Your best bet is to download and install Envy, and let it set up the driver for you. Here's the link you need:
    You want the file envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb which is about halfway down the page. Download it to your desktop, right-click it, and choose "Kubuntu Package Menu" and then "Install". After it is installed, it will appear in your Kmenu>System menu, and you can use it to install the Nvidia driver. If for any reason it doesn't behave correctly in GUI mode, just open a konsole window and type
    sudo envy -t
    to run it in text mode (which I have found is somewhat more reliable).



      Re: Feisty 64 bist and new 8800GTS

      Thanks for your answer, but the qestion is, how do I even get into de desktop.

      I managed to get the live cd working buy choosing a lower resolution (1024 * 768)
      However after the live cd had installed the OS on my harrdisk, I rebooted and got the black screen...

      So how do I install Envy...or can you do that in a live CD mode

      Please help me, I love to get this working


        Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS


        When you say "got the black screen", was there a little white "_" blinking in the upper left corner?

        If yes, then you do Alt-F1, and you see a text login prompt, and you log in with your name and password. If that works, I'll tell you the rest of it.

        By the way, we're considering this a "practice" installation, right?


          Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

          I see that cursor blkinking for a few seconds... than all is black.

          Not sure wat you mean with a practice?

          Thanks to help further?


            Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS


            "Practice" = American slang for "rehearsal" -- the installation you do to learn how to install Kubuntu, before you do the REAL installation.

            OK, you need to get to a text login prompt, and I'm not exactly sure what you're seeing. It is possible that, at your "black" screen, you can simply do Alt-F1 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 and get a text prompt. If that doesn't work, boot the "Recovery Mode" -- I think it takes you first to a text prompt. Whichever way, when you get the text prompt, log in with the user name and password you used when you installed.

            Once logged in, you need to give the following commands:

            sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
            this will start the xserver configuration script. On the first screen where it asks you if you want to autodetect the graphics chip, you choose "NO", and on the second screen you choose the "VESA" display. You can choose defaults for the rest of the screens until you get to the "monitor" section. Choose a resolution that you can tolerate for awhile, like 1024x768, and choose refresh rates that your LCD or CRT will accept. When you finish the script, it will throw you back to the command line. At that point, you can enter
            and you should get a reasonable GUI.

            Now you are ready to get a real graphics driver for your 8800. Download the Envy script installer from here: you want the file "envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb" which is about half way down the page. Download it to your desktop, right-click on the file, choose Kubuntu Package Menu>Install Package, and install Envy, and it will appear in your Kmenu>System menu. Run it to install the latest Nvidia driver. If you have any difficulty with Envy running in GUI mode, open a konsole window and enter
            sudo envy -t
            and it will run in text mode and take care of business for you.

            Good luck with it!


              Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS


              It almost worked, almost

              I did the recovery mode and did the reconfigure for the xserver by choosing vesa and 1024*768 (there is no username and pasword here)

              Then i did startx , wich did startup the GUI and I could download the debian file.
              Installed it, but he could not open the program in de desktop nor in a terminal.
              in terminal mode the NVIDIA KERNEL would not start..

              But when i rebooted again in recovery mode I tried the "sudo envy -t" command and there i could start installing in text mode...

              he restarted the xserver and it seemed to work..

              But when i restarted, i got that damn black screen again...

              Please help and thanks for helping so far


                Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                I can also say that when i start in recovery mode and when i type startx, that i come into the GUI (without login and username) and the Nvidia drivers are active...
                Why not in the normal mode?

                So we are close I think


                  Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                  I think you're very close --

                  OK, now boot in recovery mode, keep it in text mode, login, and then enter
                  sudo nvidia-xconfig
                  Let's see what happens. If it seems to write a new xorg.conf file, then you will want to do a
                  sudo shutdown now -r
                  and see if you can boot normal mode.


                    Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                    when i am in recovery mode,it does not ask me a login, I just get the prompt...

                    I did the command "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and "sudo shutdown now -r" but no change in the normal mode..


                      Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                      also , is ther no difference between starting up in startx and in normal mode?


                        Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                        Starting the X server is a part of "normal" booting. "startx" is the command line command to start it.

                        OK, let's try something different. If I understand you correctly, you can boot to the command line interface (CLI) in recovery mode, then
                        and you see the Nvidia splash screen, and then you get a GUI desktop. If I have that correct, then at that time you need to open the konsole (Kmenu>System>Konsole), and enter
                        sudo nvidia-settings
                        This should open the Nvidia driver utility. The second menu item from the top is X Server Display Configuration. Click that, and then set your resolution and refresh rates. I recommend "auto" for the refresh setting. Click "detect displays" to let it detect your monitor. When everything is set the way you want it, in the lower right corner click "Save To X Configuration File", and in the window that opens click "Save".

                        If all this seems to be working, do a shutdown and restart, and see if you can boot normal mode.


                          Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                          I indeed get that nvidia splash screeb when i start op^with "startx" , i also saved thos settings in the nvidia settings menu, but he would not boot is normal mode..


                            Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS


                            Does it still boot correctly in recovery mode? When you log in, are you using your "user" log in? You're not logging in as "root", are you?

                            I'm concerned that something is not right with your user account. Maybe it can be fixed. When you boot normal mode, are you able to Ctrl-Alt-F1 and get a text login prompt?


                              Re: Feisty 64 bits and new 8800GTS

                              Originally posted by dibl

                              Does it still boot correctly in recovery mode? When you log in, are you using your "user" log in? You're not logging in as "root", are you?

                              I'm concerned that something is not right with your user account. Maybe it can be fixed. When you boot normal mode, are you able to Ctrl-Alt-F1 and get a text login prompt?
                              Grrr here too .. so close and yet not

                              in recovery it seems fine. As I have said I do not log in anywhere when I do a startx in maybe i am in root
                              The boot in normal with the Ctrl-Alt-F1 does nothing.

