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ISO format cd won't boot

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    ISO format cd won't boot

    I've downloaded the live CD version of the Kubuntu ISO file twice and burned a cd each time. The cd's shows the ISO file, but it does not boot - I end up in Windows.

    I'm running an ACER 4010 on wireless. My settings show that I boot first from the CD and then the hard drive...

    I have no experience with the iso format, but didn't see this addressed in the forum or at the iso site...

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Re: ISO format cd won't boot

    Originally posted by wileyu
    I've downloaded the live CD version of the Kubuntu ISO file twice and burned a cd each time. The cd's shows the ISO file, but it does not boot - I end up in Windows.

    I'm running an ACER 4010 on wireless. My settings show that I boot first from the CD and then the hard drive...

    I have no experience with the iso format, but didn't see this addressed in the forum or at the iso site...

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you
    You can't "just" copy an ISO file to a CD and expect it to work. You have to burn the ISO so that it copies to the CD in a format that creates the information and also makes the CD bootable. Which program are you using to burn the ISO to CD? Assuming you're using a Windows program..... Both Nero and EasyDVD have a function that is specific for burning an ISO file to the CD or DVD. Read the help information for the program you're using. It should explain how to burn an ISO file to CD or DVD. Regards.


      Re: ISO format cd won't boot

      Originally posted by wileyu
      The cd's shows the ISO file, but it does not boot - I end up in Windows.
      When you've burned an ISO image correctly, then browsing the CD shows the individual files and directories instead of one big ISO image. Think of it like 'unpacking' the ISO to the CD (not a completely accurate analogy, I know )

      As for how to burn an image correctly, look at the previous post.


        Re: ISO format cd won't boot

        Thankyou both for your assistance.

