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Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

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    Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

    At the moment I am using Dapper 6.06, but I would like to go to Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn 64 bits version..

    My Question is: Can I do everything in the 64 bits edition as I have heard that flash does not work in firefox or are there workarounds for that?

    Also how is the best way to move programs to there?

    Many thanks

    Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits



      Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

      You will have almost everything available for 64bit, except the well-known flash. BTW, not having flash would never, ever keep me away from installing a 64bit OS on my machine.
      If you care about flash, you will be able to run the 32bit versions of the browsers, so flash will work. Other than that, you will have a bunch of 64bit proggies running on your 64bit rig, which is definitely a plus. You bought a 64bit rig, right? The more users 64bit platform has, the more it will be developed.
      If people don't use the 64bit stuff available, then the complaints about lack of software and support will continue for the next 3 years without change. Go for it.


        Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

        Well I have to tell you I did it:

        I installed a seperate harddisk with 7.04 (current harddisk I use 32 bits dapper 6.06).

        And so far I am realy realy pleased

        My dual screen works like it should, I use a 64 ATI driver from ATI's website
        And the performance is just fantastic! The dual Core 4400 X2 AMD is finaly used and it shows

        Kopete by the way, looks and feels fantastic (I used Kmess before, but I will surely switch to Kopete know)

        My multimedia keys on my keyboard are working too!

        The only thing is indeed the flash, I tried a workaround, but I failed
        Can you guys direct me in the the right direction for a solution for that?

        Thanks , I am know convinsing more and more clients to use Kubuntu

        Many thanks to help me on this too !


          Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

          Welcome to the 64bit civilization.
          For flash, take a look at here:


            Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

            Thanks buddy

            That did the track, My 64 bits kubuntu machine is running flash !!!


              Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

              Is there anything prior to that script to install?

              I had do reinstall my hd because of testing out a new graphic card 8800GTS . Wich works fine now on Kubuntu 64 feisty

              I tried the procedure again for flash and executed the script via konsole and got this:

              X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
              Major opcode: 146
              Minor opcode: 3
              Resource id: 0x0
              Failed to open device
              X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
              Major opcode: 146
              Minor opcode: 3
              Resource id: 0x0
              Failed to open device
              kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 11


                Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                Don't worry, this is just a bug related to the WACOM devices in your xorg.conf. You can comment out the 3 sections of "InputDevice" which mention them, and in section "Server Layout", 3 more lines (stylus, cursor, eraser). Restart X server and it's solved.
                WACOM devices are for tablet PCs, don't know why they come enabled by default, but disabling them takes no more than commenting a dozen lines.


                  Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                  the problem is my flash is not yet active...

                  Mayb I skipped a step..

                  Wat do i have to do from teh beginning please?



                    Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                    Can you help please?


                      Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                      Do you have the most up to date packages? Did you get any errors during the download of the packages?
                      See if you have no broken dependencies. Was your first installation too modified? I mean, did you install/remove packages before trying the flash script?


                        Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                        Do i not have to download flashpayer itself


                          Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                          The script is supposed to do everything for you. Try reading that topic again, maybe you spot something you did before. I use the Mozilla+Pango combination, didn't try the script myself, I just heard the good things from third parties.


                            Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                            Only the script was needed to get flash installed on my Ubuntu 64-bit system. It goes out and gets the external files that are needed.


                              Re: Kubuntu 7.04 64 bits

                              TO be sure wich script did you use aznd are you using Firefox 32 bits on feisty...
                              I installed him from the "add/remove programs list"

                              Wat do you suggest?

