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Stopping X (for nvidia driver install)

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    Stopping X (for nvidia driver install)

    So I'm trying to install the NVidia drivers on my new system that I just changed over from ubuntu to kubuntu. In order to run the install script ("") I can't be running an instance of the xwindows server.

    This may be a dumb question -- but how the heck do I (gracefully) shut down the x server? I tried logging out and then going into the "Menu" on the login screen, and it has an option to shutdown the system completely or reboot, but nothing to just shut down x and dump me to a command prompt.

    I also tried 'sudo /sbin/init 3', but it doesn't really seem to do anything either.

    The readme for the NVidia driver installer says that I should also edit my inittab file to make the default runlevel 3, to keep x from starting up at boot, in case something goes wrong during installation to make it easier to recover. It seems like a good idea to me, but when I open up the inittab file, the default runlevel is already set at 3, and x is obviously starting up at boot.

    So basically I'm not really sure what to do. Obviously something is different here with kubuntu than for whatever distro the NVidia people wrote their helpful readme for. What should I do?

    Any other suggestions re installing the NVidia drivers would also be appreciated.

    Re: Stopping X (for nvidia driver install)

    Changing runlevel to 3 works on most distros (run level 3 is console mode usually), but in (k)ubuntu all multi-user run levels (2-5) start X by can change this behaviour if you want to, but first try killing X from the virtual console:

    1. Ctrl-Alt-F1
    2. Login
    3. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
    4. do your thing
    5. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    6. Ctrl-Alt-F7
    7. If all went well you should be back to your graphical login screen

    Edit: Logout from your virtual console after step 5 if you wish


      Re: Stopping X (for nvidia driver install)

      Thanks -- that worked.

      I didn't think about using init.d ... that's sort of the more obvious route to take I think.

      What's rather odd is that NVidia's install script is smart enough to realize if you're in runlevel 1 and stop itself, however it's not smart enough to know that it's running on a Debian-based system where the default runlevels aren't set up to be anything like the RedHat ones that it's expecting (where 1 is single-user, 2 is CLI without network, 3 is CLI with network, 4 is GUI, etc. or something like that). Kind of annoying.

      I actually ended up not using the NVidia download and just going with the Ubuntu pre-packaged version that I found in the package manager instead. Seems to work fine.


        Re: Stopping X (for nvidia driver install)

        I do it like this:

        1. close all running applications
        2. on Kmeny click logout - end current session
        3. on a login screen click menu - console login
        4. login as a root
        5. now you can run nvidia installer.

        There are some issues installing the 1.0-8178 driver on Kubuntu systems; my installlation still doesn't work so I,m back to 1.0-7667 version.

        my installation of 1.0-8178 finally works OK

