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Install to QEMU help

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    Install to QEMU help

    how do you install kubuntu to QEMU so i don't have to delete my windows install?

    Re: Install to QEMU help


      QEMU Win98 Feisty

      * QEMU has to be started with sudo - otherwise you will not have network access.
      * This network is the simple one ( -net nic -net user). I tried setting a Virtual Network Interface (eth0:0) and "lost" my KDE running application icons - yes, I reported the BUG.
      * As usual, I stood on the shoulders of those who went before - thanks to all of you, scattered around the web.
      * Take a copy of the win98.img file - you will have "seizures"
      cp win98.img win98-1.img etc. etc.
      Win98: Ctl-Alt-Delete to force a shutdown
      Linux: Ctl-Alt-Backspace to force a log-off (Yes! You will need this, more than once).


      sudo apt-get install qemu kqemu-common kqemu-source module-assistant
      sudo module-assistant prepare
      sudo module-assistant auto-install kqemu

      # /etc/udev/rules.d/60-kqemu.rules
      KERNEL=="kqemu", NAME="%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="kqemu"

      # /etc/modprobe.d/kqemu
      options kqemu major=0

      # /etc/modules

      sudo addgroup --system kqemu
      sudo adduser $USER kqemu
      sudo adduser admin1 kqemu
      sudo modprobe kqemu
      ls -l /dev/kqemu
      # --> crw-rw-rw- 1 root kqemu 10, 62 2007-06-28 15:32 /dev/kqemu

      You have look for and use the actual physical device otherwise you get the error message qemu: could not open hard disk image '/media/cdrom0'
      ls -l /dev/hd*
      * In my system
      cdrom0 = /dev/hdd
      cdrom1 = /dev/hdc

      Create Win98 Image

      Prepare the qemu-dummy.iso

      This is used instead of an actual CD-ROM later in the installation - prepare it now. It is normally used to save having to actually mount a CDROM - but can be changed to an real CDROM

      1. Create a dummy directory with ... mkdir /home/dummy
      2. Create an explanation text file, save as ... /home/dummy/dummy.txt
      3. Win98 starts with IE5 - this is broken! Download and save ie6setup.exe
      * Download Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 into the dummy directory from
      4. Create a qemu-dummy.iso with ... mkisofs -v -J -r -o /home/qemu-dummy.iso /home/dummy

      Win98 Install

      cd /home
      qemu-img create -f qcow win98.img 2G # create a variable size image
      # qemu-img create win98-0.img 2G # create a fixed size image if you want to mount the image
      sudo chmod 666 win98.img
      sudo qemu -boot d -cdrom /dev/hdd -m 256 -localtime -usb -hda win98.img

      * Install the O/S as normal
      * Blue screen of death, after the driver re-boot - re-start from HDD, keeping CD in drive
      o qemu -boot c -cdrom /dev/hdd -m 256 -localtime -usb -hda /home/win98.img
      * Copy the d:/win98 directory into the "hard drive" for Win98 updates, etc.

      Win98 BIOS

      The Device Manager will highlight BIOS Plug-and-Play (FaileSafe) - this is the wrong driver. You have to install the "PCI Bus"

      Your PC will probably stall - do a Ctl-Alt-Backspace and re-logon

      1. Click and re-install BIOS
      2. Show a list of drivers
      * (*) Show hardware drivers
      3. Select PCI bus (Win98 will complain, that's OK) and install
      4. Restart QEMU
      * qemu -boot c -cdrom /dev/hdd -m 256 -localtime -usb -hda /home/win98.img
      * Win98: In safe-mode
      * Win98: Ctl-Alt-Delete [Shutdown]
      5. Restart QEMU
      * qemu -boot c -cdrom /dev/hdd -m 256 -localtime -usb -hda /home/win98.img
      * Win98: The devices will continue to install
      * Win98: another re-boot
      * Win98: ipconfig will now show an Ethernet connection

      Win98 Internet

      Win98 only has IE5, which is broken. Now we setup the LAN connection and upgrade to IE6

      1. Restart QEMU
      * sudo qemu -boot c -cdrom /home/qemu-dummy.iso -localtime -m 256 -usb -hda /home/win98.img
      2. Set Internet Connections
      * I connect through a local LAN
      * When [Finish] is clicked, IE5 will attempt to start - KILL immediatly
      3. Restart QEMU
      * sudo qemu -boot c -cdrom /home/qemu-dummy.iso -localtime -m 256 -usb -hda /home/win98.img
      4. Install ie6setup.exe from DOS d:\ie6setup.exe - takes a long while.

      Win98 Update

      IE6 Windows Update can now be used

      1. Personalize to remove Other Languages updates
      2. Security Updates
      3. Small updates
      4. Big, individual updates
      * MediaPlayer (no re-boot required)
      * DirectX, etc.

      Once completed - copy this image to a safe place - this will be your base for adding other products, etc. Or, removing unwanted products.


      * Press Ctrl+Alt to allow mouse to exit screen:
      * Press Ctrl+Alt+2 to go to console
      * Press Ctrl+Alt+1 to go to windows
      * Press Ctrl+Alt+F to toggle fullscreen

      (qemu) info kqemu
      (qemu) kqemu support: enabled for user and kernel code
      (qemu) info network

      Change CDROM

      (qemu) eject cdrom
      (qemu) change cdrom /dev/hdd

      QEMU Launcher

      I tried it - but nothing happened. I think it was because sudo is needed. I'm still working on this part.

