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Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

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    Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

    I have been running the LiveCD's of Ubuntu 7.04 and Kubuntu 704.
    I can mount my Harddrive (/dev/hda1) in Ubuntu and look at files etc to
    get a feel of Ubuntu. I unmount the drive before exiting Ubuntu.
    Windows XP still functions correctly with my 80 Gig drive.

    When I load Kubuntu's LiveCD, I can't get the /dev/hda1 mounted.
    Error message is:
    The system reported mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or <mount point> busy. Mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is mounted on /home/ubuntu<mount point>
    Return code from mount was 32
    "mount failure"

    I can plug in a 1Gig USB Stick and access the files and look at the directories.

    Why can't I mount and access my 80 Gig drive. It appears Ubuntu has done
    something to prevent me from mounting it in Kubuntu and I am too stupid
    to know what to look for.

    Please spell it out so this newbie can grasp how to get it to function. I was
    under the impression that the LiveCD's would always function properly
    from one run to the next and didn't change any system settings.



    Re: Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

    it looks as when /dev/hda1 is already mounted to /home/kubuntu ... did you try to look there
    you can also try to unmount it and mount to some other point...


      Re: Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

      How are you mounting /dev/hda1? Is it automounted by the LiveCD?
      I'm assuming this Is this 80gig drive?

      When you say you can read the drive, do you mean your Win partition?


        Re: Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

        OK, I'll spell it out for you in detail.....I didn't think my post was that bad.

        My Compaq laptop V5201us has a 80 Gig drive that has XP installed.
        I downloaded both Ubuntu & Kubuntu 7.04 and burned the ISO's to CDRW.
        I boot Windows XP and everything works fine. I insert the LiveCD for
        Ubuntu and boot it. The 80 Gig drive is not seen as Ubuntu boots to it's
        desktop. BUT, I can click on PLACES, then COMPUTER, and the 80Gig
        shows up in the file browser window. When I double click on it a copy is
        moved to the DESKTOP. Now, I can see my files in the disk File Browser window.
        If I right click on the disk on the desktop is shows UNMOUNT in the pulldown
        menu so I know it has been mounted. I UNMOUNT it and restart to
        Kbuntu 704. I would like to get Kubuntu to see the same drive. HOW is
        what I am asking you experts? Someone has already done this!

        Unmount it and mount it to a different place in the previous post tells me nothing. HOW? What Commands? Be specific as I am new. Read my error
        message post. I wouldn't be asking for help if I could find the right information
        to try by myself.

        I searched most of the night and I did get to where I can see the files
        with my Kubuntu file browser.

        I used:
        SUDO fdisk -l
        (located the 80 Gig NTFS)
        ls /media/windows
        SUDO mkdir /media/windows
        SUDO cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_bak
        SUDO nano /etc/fstab

        inserted this line:
        /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0

        (saved the file with CNTRL O, then ENTER, then CNTRL X to quit nano)

        SUDO mount -a

        then open the Kubuntu file browser and my files are shown, but the
        drive isn't displayed on the desktop.

        WHY? What do I do to get where I can have it on the desktop?

        HELP, please be specific and in detail!

        Knoppix LiveCD finds and displays the drive correctly, but I would like
        Kubuntu over Ubuntu.....I think.
        The Knoppix /etc/fstab:
        /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=knoppi x 0 0

        I wanted to give Knoppix, Ubuntu, and Kbuntu a test run before finally
        deciding what version I install. But, I didn't know it was going to be this complex!



          Re: Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

          Even though Ubuntu and Kubuntu are built on the same basic framework, not all commands are the same. When you are in Ubuntu and "double click" the drive, it isn't moved to the desktop, rather a symbolic link is created on the desktop. In Kubuntu, look for your media devices at /media/hda1 in Konqueror file browser?


            Re: Kubuntu 7.04 /dev/hda1 already mounted problem

            a simple solution may be to right click on your desktop > create new > link to device > hard disk device

            then select your device in the drop down menu, it will give you a link to it on your desktop

