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Dual Booting?

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    Dual Booting?

    I want to try out Linux just to see what it's like mainly, I was wonder how do I dual boot? I run Win xp SP2, I'm downloading kubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso currently. My computers an HP a620n if that is of any help. I'm pretty sure first I need to download or mounth the ISO to a disk useing Nero. Any and all help will be appreciated as I'm sorta just wandering in the dark here :P

    Re: Dual Booting?

    You are downloading the LIVE CD. There is no need to partition, or even set up a dual boot. In Nero, click Record > Burn Image > Select the ISO, tick finalize CD, and burn the CD. Then put the CD in your drive, and restart your computer, it should boot to the Live CD.

    If not, go into your BIOS and make sure that your disk drive is first on your boot order.

    Hope you like Kubuntu

    BTW: The difference between Live and Install CD's are that in Live CD's, nothing gets written to your computer, so there is no risk of damaging anything. A Live CD cannot save your preferences, and require at least 128MB of RAM to function. An Install CD installs Kubuntu to your hard drive (just like the Windows Install CD installs Windows).
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Dual Booting?

      Wow thanks for the quick reponse I'm currently burning it to a CD I'll run it tomorrow and post how it goes =)

      P.S. So the Live CD is good for basically what I'm doing, just trying to see what its like and such?

      Thanks again.


        Re: Dual Booting?

        <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

