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Kubuntu vs Debian

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    Kubuntu vs Debian

    I'm pretty new to linux and installed Kubuntu a couple of weeks ago. I understand that Kubuntu is based on Debian. Searching for information is a bit tough since I don't know enough to know where to look. So, a couple of quesetions:

    1. Since Kubuntu is based on Debian, can I apply what I read on the Debian web site documentation page directly to Kubuntu? If not, is there information on the differences between Debian and Kubuntu?

    2. What are the differences/advantages of installing Kubuntu over Debian (or vice versa)?

    3. Anyone have a good book to suggest that would assist my learning of Kubuntu specifically or Linux in general?

    Thanks for the help.

    Re: Kubuntu vs Debian

    1. yes

    2. It's all preference. I like Kubuntu because of the cool name

    3. Look in your local library
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Kubuntu vs Debian

      Deban normally has a longer release cycle. The stable debian release is normally rock solid, but to get that stability there is the cost of using older versions of some of the programs. Kubuntu with its six month release cycle has newer versions shifted into the main distribution more quickly than debian stable.

      I don't know much about the unstable debian, or debian testing. Perhaps the unstable is more equivalent to Ubuntu / Kubuntu. The other thing about Kubuntu is the packaging and cohesiveness with the distribution.

      I like "Linux in a Nutshell" by O'Reilly. They also do a more verbose one called "Running Linux".
      Blog: Tasty Tidbits


        Re: Kubuntu vs Debian

        Kubuntu is based on unstable release of debian. As a matter of fact kubuntu is a stable version if debian's unstable release
        -=|From the desk of|=-
        «•´`•.(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*).•´`•»
        «•´`•.(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸).•´`•»
        Reg. Linux User # 400637


          Re: Kubuntu vs Debian

          I'm using both Debian and Kubuntu, and I love both.

          I like the fact that both of them use the dpkg method of package management...I'v found it much easier to use than RPM's.

          I'd say the part where Kubuntu comes out on top is in the install (especially those who are new to linux). As an example, I had a devil of a time getting my wireless card to work with debian, but it was pretty much working immediately with Kubuntu (Just had to load the ath_pci module and set it up to load on boot).

          I've also found the forums here to be EXTREMELY helpful in getting past those sticking points.

