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Kubuntu on Ubuntu

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    Kubuntu on Ubuntu

    Hello and thanks for the forum. I am trying to move from Linux 6.10 to Kubuntu. I used the slow way on a dial-up and downloaded the Kubuntu applications using the Synaptic Package Manager. Now that I have it installed, I am supposed to see it listed in the Sessions page under System, in order to choose it as my default, but it isn't there. When I turn on the computer the Kutuntu screen comes on and the files load in the blue colors, but once it starts the Ubuntu brown screen resumes and I am in Ubuntu. All of the K applications are listed and I can open them (Adept, etc.) but would like to make this my default. I am a Newbie to Linux, but the Kubuntu seems like I'll be able to maneuver a little easier once I get to try it. (I have removed Windows completely so am a 100% convert.)

    Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu is a very useful guide on a very useful site... (second link for "installing kde ubuntu" on Google".

    To quote:
    The default [display manager] can always be changed later by modifying the /etc/X11/default-display-manager file. For KDM, the file should read /usr/bin/kdm; for GDM, the file should read /usr/sbin/gdm
    But please, please, read the whole thing first


      Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu

      Originally posted by JamesM
      second link for "installing kde ubuntu" on Google".
      Its the top if you google 'install kde ubuntu'


        Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu

        Thanks for the information, I've looked at the sites and a lot of help. I guess I should ask this:

        I have Dapper. I used Synaptic Package Manager to get the Kubuntu package and it took quite a while to load using dial-up, but it registers on my system. I have tried the suggestions to make KDE my default but still only get the KUBUNTU blue screen when the files are all loading, then when it finishes loading the Ubuntu brown is back as my desktop. Is there going to be a different desktop for Kubuntu or do I just get the packages to use that comes with it?

        When I go to Sessions, there is no KDE listed to choose as a default.

        One of your sites recommends using Aptitude in order to be able to uninstall Kubuntu easier. Should I uninstall what I have done so far, install Aptitude, then install Kubuntu? (A side question...when I search for Aptitude using Synaptic, the square is filled in green as being present, but when I click on the Status, it says it is not installed. What am I doing wrong that it isn't registering as installed?)

        To give you an indication of my raw ability...I finally completed my first permission change using sudo, that's how thick I am (several medications make me a little air-headed). Thanks again.


          Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu

          Originally posted by MikRose
          I have Dapper. I used Synaptic Package Manager to get the Kubuntu package and it took quite a while to load using dial-up, but it registers on my system. I have tried the suggestions to make KDE my default but still only get the KUBUNTU blue screen when the files are all loading, then when it finishes loading the Ubuntu brown is back as my desktop. Is there going to be a different desktop for Kubuntu or do I just get the packages to use that comes with it?

          When I go to Sessions, there is no KDE listed to choose as a default.
          Are you using auto-login, try disabling it if you are.

          You should be able to select kde from the login screen (whether it's gdm or kdm)


            Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu

            Did you install kubuntu-desktop or kde-desktop?
            In my very new linux experience I did the kde-desktop instead
            of kubuntu-desktop thing and ended up
            with similar effects that you are having.
            Kubuntu-desktop gave me the right set up I wanted.


              Re: Kubuntu on Ubuntu

              Thanks again for the responses. Yes I did put Kubuntu Desktop on instead of KDE, but then I tried to uninstall it using Synaptic Manager because my printer stopped being recognized. I later found that it wasn't Kubuntu but a 2nd sound card I was trying which disabled the printer, But I still have all of the KDE icons and functions so not sure what I uninstalled! I will continue on little by little, but one thing is for's wonderful not to worry about updating MS every day or so!!! Even my PC World Magazine seems to be a waste of time now. Does anyone have a favorite BASIC mag for beginning Linux? I have a beginners book but would like to have a library of things I can read for learning about packages and tips/etc. and not have to be on the computer to do so. Thanks again.

