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icon themes

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    icon themes

    I tried to install the following incon theme from the instructions on one of the threads ..
    putting it in /usr/share/icons but I do not see the icon set in Theme Manager...
    Does anyone have any idea why or how to fix it?

    This is the icon theme i used.

    Re: icon themes

    To install an icon theme, you want to open up the icon module in either the control center or system settings. (control center > appearance & themes > icons OR system settings > appearance > icons) There you'll find a button that says Install New Theme... and when you click it, it'll ask for a path to the compressed file you downloaded from the KDE Look website. From there it'll install the themes for you, and add them to the list for you to choose.

    Hope that helps.


      Re: icon themes

      Ya I tried that first but it told me that it wasn't a valid archive or icon theme ...ah well
      looks like I can't use this icon set then no biggie.

      thanks for the help


        Re: icon themes

        If you look at the bottom post on the KDE-look page that you linked to in your post, you will find instructions for installing in Kubuntu. You will need to do some command line magic, so start a konsole with K>System>Konsole, and then type in the commands from that bottom post.

        However, I just noticed that the person who posted the instructions did something VERY BAD
        , he established a root account, and did the installation as the root user. This is wrong. Use sudo. Add the word "sudo" at the start of most of the commands he gives. So the commands you want to type are:
        cd /usr/share/icons
        sudo wget [url][/url]
        sudo tar -xvzf Futurosoft-Icons-0.5.1.tar.gz
        sudo mv Futurosoft\ Icons\ 0.5.1/ FuturoSoft
        sudo chown -R root: FuturoSoft/
        You will be asked to enter your password after you enter the second command, but you won't be asked again unless it takes you more than fifteen minutes to enter the rest.


          Re: icon themes

          Thanks askrieger.. that worked like a charm.
          Guess I need to get more acquainted with the CLI.

