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Installing bibus bibliographic software

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    Installing bibus bibliographic software

    I want to install Bibus but the instructions are so complicated, including typing long lists of instructions into the terminal programme etc. If it were windows I would just double click on the instal icon. Is there a similar simple way of installing Bibus that does not include a PhD in computer studies?

    Re: Installing bibus bibliographic software

    Google + "bibus ubuntu" =


      Re: Installing bibus bibliographic software

      Actually, the most relevant post in the referenced thread is the last one. It tells you to follow a modified form of the directions at this page in the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki. The wiki page references 4 threads at the Ubuntu Forums.

      You should be warned, though, if this will be your first exposure to our sister forum. Most of the threads over there are VERY long and often contradictory. The contradictions arise in part from the fact that the threads overlap two or three Ubuntu releases and things change. Personally, I don't have the patience to search for the gold needle on page 67 of the 82 page haystack, so I tend to regard UFO as the resource of last resort.

      Later:After a look, I think the second page of this thread at UFO is your best bet. Personally, I advise either straight Latex in Emacs with Tetex, or using Lyx, if you want a word processor. All these are available with no sweat and bother from the Ubuntu repositories.

