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automatix and non-free codecs

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    automatix and non-free codecs

    I am sure everyone here is aware of the message you get when first starting

    I have never used it before and just started it up today and say the waring about the dvd codecs - do many people use these?
    Are the feds going to knock down my door if I do?

    Re: automatix and non-free codecs

    Are the feds going to knock down my door if I do?
    Of course not, but if (a) the Feds really wanted to throw the book at someone and (b) that someone owned a lawyer, they could sue if that notice wasn't there.


      Re: automatix and non-free codecs

      ha .. my attempt at humor ;0
      I did notice that when I load up automatix some of the things I do have installed do not show up
      as being installed in automatix.
      So for instance if I have aud-dvd installed already through adept it doesn't show it in automatix..
      Is there something I need to do in order to get automatix to show or sync with my currently installed apps?



        Re: automatix and non-free codecs

        I don't use automatix anymore, found everything I need in medibuntu. But if I remember correctly, once you have automatix installed, the repositories are active in your sources file, and you can use Adept or synaptic to install the packages. They will also show which packages are already installed. Also, I like to use Kpackage to check which programs are installed. I don't use any of those programs to do the actual installation. prefering to use aptitude for that. But they do make finding packages sometimes easier and getting the exact name of the package to use in aptitude or apt-get.

