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Amarok, can't add files from network share

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    Amarok, can't add files from network share

    Just changed to Kubuntu (about 2:00 this afternoon) from Ubuntu which I have been running for about 6 weeks now.
    Slicker interface and Kontact is a good replacement for outlook. (Evolution sucked, so slow and no way to add stationary etc). Honestly, kontact was the main driver for this (evolution too )
    Now everything is up and running ok so far, except that Amarok won't let me add media from my main network smb share.
    This is an open samba r/o share on my Ubuntu server that I set up a few weeks ago.
    I had no problem with this in Ubuntu using the default player (can't even remember what it was called now!).
    Can someone please pass on some wisdom?
    You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

    Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

    It seems to work for me.

    How are you trying to add this share?



      Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

      The share mounts at boot to the media directory.
      It is added to the /etc/fstab file as an smb share with rw,users options.
      # Network shares
      // /media/Media smb rw,users 0 0
      // /media/Working smb rw,users 0 0

      I am using smb rather than smbfs as I have found that the latter runs pig slow.
      I haven't played much with nfs yet, once I get the last windows box in the house migrated I may switch.
      I had to map to an ip (static) as the host name will not resolve.

      I have firestarter running as well, with subnet open, on both machines.
      I can navigate to the files and play them fine, it is just adding them to the library that is failing.

      Generally quite impressed with amarok, winamp was my personal fave in windows largely because of the excellent library management and playlist handling.

      Just a couple of little hurdles left to overcome and the migration is complete.
      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


        Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

        Have you tried to start amarok from the command line and look for any error?



          Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
          Major opcode: 147
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device
          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
          Major opcode: 147
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device
          Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
          Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
          Major opcode: 147
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device
          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
          Major opcode: 147
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device
          kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x8099ab0 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
          QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "unnamed", which already has a layout
          kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x8099ab0 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
          QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow

          Any idea what this means?
          I don't know what device 169 is. Where do I find this? (I assume that it could be anything, ie machine named)
          You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


            Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

            All the "errors" are normal.

            Device 169 is a tablet. It's just trying to detect it and fail.

            You can remove those lines by editing xorg.conf by hand, but the are harmless.



              Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

              Ok, that fixed a couple of other minor annoyances, changed my TV resolution while I was at it and now I have full screen (CRT, if i could read anything on it would be handy).

              Checked the system log and found access denied everywhere, which seems strange as I can browse to them and play them fine, read the metadata etc.

              I figure from this that there must be something wrong with my smb.conf file on the server, which i can only write to as root from linux but is fine from windows.

              Here are the only uncommented lines in my smb.conf file;
              path = /media/UbuntuShare/Media
              available = yes
              browsable = yes
              public = yes
              writable = no

              path = /media/Working/Working Directory
              available = yes
              browsable = yes
              public = yes
              writable = yes

              Have a good laugh at my ignorance and then please show me where I screwed up.
              I can't remember where to map a remote user to a local user either, but I haven't done that either.
              You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

                It indeed seems strange that you can read then, but can't add them to a playlist...

                Anyway, I have made my test against a windows machines, so I have no smb.conf to compare. But I'd add the following lines, just to try if they made any difference:

                guest ok = yes
                case sensitive = no
                The first one will allow unidentified access, and the second one, well it's quite self-describing .



                  Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

                  It isn't fair!

                  I rebooted the server and the desktop after reconfiguring the samba files and have just spent the last hour and a half fixing my xorg.conf file.

                  And now I get the crap sound that I suffered under ubuntu as well. Had to turn down the pcm to about 60%

                  Even then the sound quality is crap, heavily distorted.

                  It wasn't like this two hours ago, pcm cranked all the way up and clean sound (just like windows)

                  The only consolation is that at least now I can load my network media into the library. Shame that it sounds crap now though.

                  Thanks for your help javierrivera, you have solved one of my issues that has been quite perplexing.
                  Time to search for something to fix the sound.
                  You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                    Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

                    For sure, xorg.conf and sound problems aren't caused by fiddling with smb.conf .

                    If I had to bet on this one, I suspect that there was some kernel update between today reboot and the previous one.

                    Probably selecting the old kernel in grub will solve this issues.

                    If it does, you can set it as default in grub, and solve the problems of the update when you are on mood .



                      Re: Amarok, can't add files from network share

                      Just an update to my progress with this one.

                      The change to my servers smb.conf file and adding the samba users fixed the problems I had adding media to the library.

                      The sound issue was mostly sorted by going into the system settings/sound panel.
                      I set the audio device to ALSA, sampling range to 44100hz, and quality to 16 bit. The sound quality is now fine.

                      The other thing that I have noticed is that ALSA does not seem to map the channels properly over SPDIF output. Left channel goes left, right channel goes center.
                      Setting my receiver to multi-stereo makes everything sound fine though, but no multi channel sound.
                      For the most part this is no problem, but it would be nice if 5.1 emulation (from stereo) could be sorted out.
                      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

