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Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

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    Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

    Hello friends, another problem I'm afraid. I researched installing Compiz/Xgl a fair bit before actually going ahead with it, but after a successful install, Kubuntu hangs during boot. I flipped to the console to see it hanging while running /etc/init.d/rc.local. I get a black/white (extremely fine) checkerboard pattern at this point. Can anybody help getting Compiz/Xgl to work? Thanks.

    I'm on Dapper (AMD 64).

    Re: Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

    Please post the contents of your /etc/rc.local file. Normally, that script is empty (i.e. it has one line that says "exit 0").


      Re: Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE


      Sorry I meant to say "/etc/rc.local" as you say. The file reads:

      #!/bin/sh -e
      # rc.local
      # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
      # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
      # value on error.
      # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
      # bits.
      # By default this script does nothing.

      exit 0


        Re: Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

        Your system is clearly not hanging while executing /etc/rc.local, therefore it must be hanging while executing something it does AFTER executing rc.local but before KDE comes up. The other S99 level entries in /etc/rc2.d are acpi-support, kdm, rmnologin and stop-readahead. How many of these did you see run before the hang? Are there any other files in /etc/rc2.d that are prefixed as S99?

        My bet is that your problem is in kdm (the KDE display manager). It may be having trouble with Compiz/Xgl, just as you assumed, but I wanted to make sure that neither you nor Compiz had added something strange to /etc/rc.local Has Compiz done something to your /etc/init.d/kdm file?


          Re: Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

          I'm not sure where I was looking, but I booted with 'splash' and 'quiet' removed and it hung on HP Linux print services I'm not entirely sure where to look, but the only log that refers to rc.local is the boot log. I've just upgraded to Feisty and haven't tried starting with Xgl yet. If you could tell me where to look during boot to spot what's causing the hang that would be cool. Thanks.


            Re: Compiz/Xgl problem on ATI Radeon X300 SE

            If you could tell me where to look during boot to spot what's causing the hang that would be cool. Thanks.
            Just look at the last five lines in the boot messages, usually the only ones you can see because the others fly by pretty fast. That tells you what the kernel was doing when it stopped. I thought that was how you knew that it got up to /etc/rc.local, which really means got pretty close to the end of the boot process.

            Big however, though: in order to speed up booting on Feisty, Ubuntu switched away from the old standard Sysvinit program that does things in a fixed order with intermediate waiting for hardware to come up. Canonical generated a new program called Upstart that (sort of) does things in parallel, in my limited understanding. This means that the debugging tricks that worked in Edgy and before, are pretty much out the window. I read a techno-blurb article about it at, but (for me, at least) the mental dust hasn't settled yet.

