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No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

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    No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

    I downloaded Kubuntu 64 bit (unfortunately, dont remember version tho) but the usb does not work. I have to boot the cd with acpi=off flag. Does this have something to do with it. Here are my specs:

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (2400 ghz x 2)
    NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE
    1 gig of ram
    200 gb hd

    What is wrong
    Plz help

    Re: No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

    USB was a little shaky in some prior versions, especially with the little memory sticks, cell phones, memory card readers, cameras, and so on. But in Feisty I don't hear about many problems.

    When you say "no USB support", what exactly do you mean?


      Re: No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

      Are you sure that turning off the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface is either necessary or useful? Are you confusing ACPI=off with noapic, which keeps the boot process from searching for a missing Advanced Peripheral Interrupt Controller on many AMD64 systems?


        Re: No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

        i mean my wireless usb card. Kubuntu has the module loaded (rt2570). It detects the card, but the card itself doesn't work. I cannot do ifconfig rausb0 up or iwconfig rausb0. I downloaded this around during february ( i think). If i boot normally, i get something about not being able to load rtc. What is the difference between acpi=off and noacpi? I will try with noacpi.

        Thanks for the replies!


          Re: No USB support in Kubuntu 64 bit??

          I wasn't suggesting "noacpi", which probably doesn't do anything. I was suggesting that you are one of the very many people over the years who have fallen victim to confusing ACPI with APIC. In addition, as the owner of two AMD64 systems, I know that many (but not all) AMD64 systems need to be booted with the option "noapic" because many chipsets for AMD64 don't use APIC.

          However, upon learning that your problem is concerned with wireless, and that you are probably using either Kubuntu 6-10, (Edgy Eft), or Kubuntu 6-06.1, (Dapper Drake, Long Term Support), my first suggestion is that you download and install the current version of Kubuntu 7-04, (Feisty Fawn). Wireless networking is the most problematic function in Linux. It is one area where progress from one release to the next is most noticeable.

