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nothing working?

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    nothing working?

    hi I just got kubuntu on my computer, I have no clue what version or whatever. But my internet doesnt work. I have a hawking technologies internet reciever thing... But I dont know what its called. I just want to know how to connect to the internet with it and be able to use kubunu. Any help would be nice, thanks.

    Re: nothing working?

    A quick check of Hawking Technologies' site indicates many Internet things -- modems, routers, switches, wireless interfaces -- I wonder which one you have?

    You'll need to provide specifics, about your computer hardware and Internet service, and which version of Kubuntu you installed, before anyone will have any hope of helping you.


      Re: nothing working?

      sorry my wireless adaptor can be found here:


      Sorry for th elong link, its from a product page. Anyway, Im not sure which version of kubuntu I have, because I had help. I think its 5.10 or 10.5... Thats what It said on the disk. Ill find more information when I get home, Im at school and thats why I have to be so blant.

