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Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

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    Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

    Hello ,
    I am new to linux/kubuntu so far this has been a wild ride(really fun). Few questions because i am developing forum blindness from reading all the how to's

    1. I have a Gateway laptop with amd64 cpu , was thinking about installing the 64 ver of kubuntu. But i do need to use caution as i use this pc for work. Any tips , or warnings would help alot , even if you post links to topics , i will be happy as well , again my eyes are strained from lots of endless searching and i am having trouble finding good threads to read(my fault)

    2. Seti@home , i have always had this running on my pc's . Now as I am moving to kubuntu , i am having trouble setting up opt'ed apps for it . I am not quite ready to try to compile my own , just want to install the current available ones. Just cant seem to get the right folder to copy/paste to

    3. I have an old gateway pc (testbox) running win2000pro , the reason is everytime i have loaded kubuntu and seti up , something goes wrong and it really doesnt work(lots of different problems) the specs are amd athlon 1gig cpu , msi mobo , nv 4400 ti , creative sound card , 392 mb ram. Is this thing just too old for kubuntu , or am i missing something? I have another cpu that runs kubuntu flawless.

    thats all for now .
    thank you in advance for all replies
    also some back ground on me , not an it expert , but do know my way around win fairly well , not scared to try anything on testbox or other desktop. still learning about command line , have already hosed my 160 gig win harddrive (corrupted mbr and so on) but was able to recover with out any loss of data , just took a few days. I have 1 desktop dualboot Kubunut / WinXp pro , that i have kept running for about 2 months now.

    Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

    Originally posted by nuclearrage


      Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

      1) AMD-64 laptop: Try a dual boot. Use Partition Magic (or something similar) to free up 10 or 12 GB for Linux and make an additional 1 or 2 GB vfat partition to share files. Then download and burn the AMD64 Desktop CD and have fun!

      2) Seti@home: There is actually a (K)ubuntu package called boinc which lets you do not only Seti, but also a lot of other distributed computing projects.

      3) Your old box is pushing the limits, but it should be able to run Kubuntu. Just don't expect lightening speed, or stunning performance. So I think you're missing something. Ask us a specific question, and we'll try to answer it.


        Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

        thanks for the help so far. the link , however didnt help with SETI directly , but it did have another link to a great site that explained alot of the command line (syntax and examples).
        as far as the "preloaded" SETI apps , they work fine , what i am trying to install and seem to be having trouble with is the optimized apps from , i need to copy/paste(for lack of better terms) some files into the appropriate folders and some how i am messing this up. I know on windows , it was copy paste and blam its done , but I am not quite familiar with the way Kubuntu keeps the files set up , so finding the right folder seems to be hard. And when i try the gui way of copy paste , i dont have permission , but again this is my fault because i am not yet used to kubuntu. There is a good learning curve here , but thats why I am doing it. I think the hardest part for me is to forget how i did it in windows and look at linux like a complete newbie to pc's in general.
        the old box , i will wait , prolly post another thread for that one , cause right now its doing all i need it to , just not as good as i want it(win2000 still seems slower than kubuntu)

        Thanks again for all the help


          Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

          [quote=askrieger ]
          1) AMD-64 laptop: Try a dual boot. Use Partition Magic (or something similar) to free up 10 or 12 GB for Linux and make an additional 1 or 2 GB vfat partition to share files. Then download and burn the AMD64 Desktop CD and have fun!

          2) Seti@home: There is actually a (K)ubuntu package called boinc which lets you do not only Seti, but also a lot of other distributed computing projects.

          Hi! I am also running Kubuntu 64 in a laptop and coudn't install/run properly BOINC/SETI on it. It gave errors in connections, host name, etc. Asked for a pathword but no pathword worked!!?? (Seti's, my machines pathwords). Do you have any clue where do download a version that runs in this K64 version? THANKS!
          Poseidon GNU/Linux 64 & 32 bits
          GNU/Linux user #451206
          (K)Ubuntu user #21328


            Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

            Originally posted by Gonzalo V. C.


              Re: Sveral newbie question AMD64 laptop , SETI ,

              I did that but it downloaded a file, that I manage to decompress. It created directories and files (in my user directory, since the /home disc has more space than the / one!), etc. BUT it doesn't seem to work! No files (executables) do anything!? And ther is no graphic configuration file to check it out or whatever.
              Ibstaling the BOINC manager (graphic) with Adept, leads to nothing, since it is thought to work with some other directory, isn't it?
              Poseidon GNU/Linux 64 & 32 bits
              GNU/Linux user #451206
              (K)Ubuntu user #21328

