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a Quick question about installing software

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    a Quick question about installing software

    hi guys,
    i have a question regarding installing software in Kubuntu.

    for a long time i have been trying to install programs using tar and the ./configure option, With absolubtley no success...there is always something missing!
    looking though the forums and kubuntu, it looks like Adept is the way to go.

    so here is the question.
    1)adept uses .dep file extensions?
    2)where do i copy the files to, in order to get them to appear in Adept, and allow me to use them?

    Thanks in advance........

    Re: a Quick question about installing software

    If you have an internet connection, you don't copy files anywhere. Once you've asked Adept to install something, it'll download all the necessary packages and install them for you.

    If you don't have an internet connection... well, then it gets tricky.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: a Quick question about installing software

      you've guessed it, I don't have an internet connection (just yet - waiting for the broadband guys to call)

      but id still like to be able to install some Linux programs that come with magazine cover disks that i have. a lot of them are in the .deb format.

      if I cannot do this through adept, could you suggest the best programs / packages that I should have on my machine in order to allow me to successfully use tar, ./config .......

      Thanks again

      just so i have this clear in my head, adept only allows you to install programs that are already listed in it, only if you have an internet connection, and any other program thats not on the list has to be installed manually?


        Re: a Quick question about installing software

        To install a deb right click it and there should be a Kubuntu Package Menu in the menu - choose install package.


          Re: a Quick question about installing software

          And if you wish to manage a large number of packages with adept or synaptic (especially useful on a machine that does not have an internet connection) you can:

          1. Create a directory for your packages (for example /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/repository/binaries)

          2. Copy all deb packages you wish to use in that directory

          3. Run
          dpkg-scanpackages  /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/repository/binaries /dev/null | gzip >  /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/repository/binaries/Packages.gz
          (If you add or remove packages to this local directory you have to do this again to update the package list)

          4. Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
          deb file:/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/repository/ binaries/
          5. Reload packagelists (in Adept or Synaptic) and your new local packages are available.

          edited: corrected the typo on step 4 in case someone reads just these instructions and not the whole thread :P


            Re: a Quick question about installing software

            Cheers Guys,
            Thats Giving me something to work with tonight...

            ill let ye know how i get on...

            Thanks Again



              Re: a Quick question about installing software

              Originally posted by DarkElder76
              another way to get more avalible packages for you is to adjust your sources list to do this you must run as root type sudo konqueror in terminal go to /etc/apt and uncomment 'universe' repositories & 'backports' repositories and save then reload packages
              thought this might help you

              oh and to ./configure and install properly you would need to have KDE header files and make installed
              he doesn't have an internet connection
              <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                Re: a Quick question about installing software

                Hi guys,
                i tried both ways, patricks advice work(re To install a deb right click it and there should be a Kubuntu Package Menu in the menu - choose install package) so i think ill stick with that for the moment. the suggestion by kubicle worked up until i tried to run adept after running carrying out the steps listed, adept didnt like it and wont open....

                seeing as i still dont have an internet connect at home, can any one suggest some essential librarys that i will need for installing programs in kubuntu?

                thanks Guys for all your help........



                  Re: a Quick question about installing software

                  Sorry, there's a typo on my instructions (I really need a proof reader )

                  The line to put in sources.list is:

                  deb file:/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/repository/ binaries/
                  (notice the space between 'repository/' and 'binaries/'

                  Now it should work alright.


                    Re: a Quick question about installing software

                    Originally posted by Damien
                    Hi guys,
                    i tried both ways, patricks advice work(re To install a deb right click it and there should be a Kubuntu Package Menu in the menu - choose install package) so i think ill stick with that for the moment. the suggestion by kubicle worked up until i tried to run adept after running carrying out the steps listed, adept didnt like it and wont open....

                    seeing as i still dont have an internet connect at home, can any one suggest some essential librarys that i will need for installing programs in kubuntu?

                    thanks Guys for all your help........

                    if by essential library's for installing programs, you mean installing from souce. You will need make, build-essential, and a compiler based on the code of which the program is written in.
                    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

