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Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

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    Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

    Flush with success in putting Kubuntu on a PC, I tried putting the Power PC version on my Mac G3 laptop. Alas, I can't get the Mac to boot from the disk. I hold down "C" to boot from CD, but it doesn't seem bootable.
    Someone please give me a clue! Thanks.

    Re: Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

    I've tried booting CDs from Mac, and there's a very slim window in which to press and hold the "c" key. I've actually found that you can't start holding it too early or too late. It has to be about a moment after the computer gains consciousness but not before it starts working.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

      Originally posted by soundpro
      Flush with success in putting Kubuntu on a PC, I tried putting the Power PC version on my Mac G3 laptop. Alas, I can't get the Mac to boot from the disk. I hold down "C" to boot from CD, but it doesn't seem bootable.
      Someone please give me a clue! Thanks.
      Here's a few commands that may help you:

      Boot from CD. If set to boot to X and no CD is present, may boot to OS9.

      Bypass startup drive and boot from external (or CD). This actually forces the system to NOT load the driver for the default volume, which has the side effect mentioned above. For SCSI devices it searches from highest ID to lowest for a partition with a bootable system. Not sure about IDE drives.

      Boot from a specific SCSI ID # (# = SCSI ID number)

      hope it helps


        Re: Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

        Thanks much, people! I've tried all you've suggested, but sadly it's still not working. I may have a faulty CD-ROM drive... it's not reading CD-R. It reads commercially-produced CDs OK, and it reads CD-RW, but oddly not a CD-R produced from the ISO image I downloaded from


          Re: Installing onto Mac G3 Laptop

          Closing the loop on this one...
          It seems that I can't read the Kubuntu disk from the G3's standard CD-ROM drive. I swapped it with a DVD-ROM drive, and it recognized the disk and loaded just fine. Lucky I had a friend with a DVD drive! Anyway, I'm posting from my G3 right now. There are a few bugs to get through, but at least I'm past the BIG one!

