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Add/Move/Expand /usr partition

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    Add/Move/Expand /usr partition

    When I went to upgrade to 7.04 I received an error stating that /usr did not have enough disk space. When I investigated I discovered that upon setting up Kubuntu, I had made a 5 gig / (root) partition, but I did not make a separate partition for /usr, so it's sitting on that / partition.

    My /home partition has plenty of space (60 some gigs) free, so I'm wondering the following:

    Is there some way that I can resize/break up the /home partition and take some 20 gigs of that for /usr? The key here is I'd like to do it without reinstalling everything.
    My /usr directory currently has some data in it, and I'd like to keep that all but move it to another partition.

    /dev/hda1 5162796 3283688 1616852 68% /
    /dev/hdb2 74856860 3530268 67524008 5% /home

    I hope I'm making sense on what I'm looking for here.
    Suggestions on how to do this?

    Much thanks.


    Re: Add/Move/Expand /usr partition

    There is a very very very dirty way to do this, which I don't suggest. And that is to make a /home/usr directory, and mount it under /usr.
    If you're using LVM, you can backup the files in home, delete the home partition, expand user, and re-make home. This is also not very nice, but may be the only way.
    If you're lucky enough to be using EVMS, then you can do it all through it's GUI/command line tools.

