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How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

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    How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

    I installed Kubuntu Feisty Fawn and had everything running great but then decided to install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package.

    Unfortunately it has changed all the default apps to GNOME apps instead of the KDE apps. For example if I open a PDF, it opens in GNOME Evince instead of KPDF, even though I'm using KDE.

    Is it possible to reset all the default apps back to the Kubuntu apps instead of the Ubuntu apps? If so, how do I do it? Thanks!

    Re: How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

    Goto>>K>>system settings>>default applications?
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

      That only lists:

      E-mail Client
      Embedded Text Editor
      Instant Messenger
      Terminal Emulator
      Web Browser


        Re: How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

        ...decided to install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package.
        Ubuntu utilizes Gnome for it's desktop look and feel. Thus, the Gnome apps after you installed the ubuntu-desktop.

        I believe you have two options. One is to uninstall the ubuntu-desktop package, which should put your desktop environment back to what it was before you installed the package. Two is to look for either a kubuntu-desktop or kde desktop package option to install.

        I provide no guarantees here, but given that you only installed a desktop package, one or either of these options should fix your issue.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: How do you reset default apps back to Kubuntu apps?

          Open kcontrol.
          kdesu kcontrol
          The KDE Components, File Associations.

          Also you can right click on a file in Konqueror, Open with>Other, select the program you want to open the file with, and check the block that says to remember this file association.

