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Resolution Problems

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    Re: Resolution Problems

    I know this is quite an old thread but I ran into similar problems trying to get my NEC 20WGX2pro to work - it was fine with VGA but with DVI it reported max res of 1440x900 or something, and when I manually created my own 1680x1050 resolution the screen would appear snowy with occasional bursts of a horizontal green, red or blue lines, and occasionally blank out.

    It worked perfectly with Windows. Eventually I discovered a program called PowerStrip which analysed the windows configuration and generated an xorg modeline for me! It took me a long time to get this working so I hope someone else will benefit.

    The result was this, which (I think), indicates that the sync pulses are very short and this allows the dot clock to be relatively low, the automatically generated xorg had a much higher clock which overloaded the monitor's DVI processing.

    PowerStrip timing parameters:

    Generic timing details for 1680x1050:
    HFP=48 HSW=32 HBP=80 kHz=65 VFP=3 VSW=6 VBP=21 Hz=60

    VESA detailed timing:
    PClk=119.25 H.Active=1680 H.Blank=160 H.Offset=32 HSW=32 V.Active=1050 V.Blank=30 V.Offset=3 VSW=6

    Linux modeline parameters:
    "1680x1050" 119.250 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync

    I hope this helps a lot!


      Re: Resolution Problems

      That is very informative. Powerstrip sounds interesting.

