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please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

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    please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

    I'd like to setup Kubuntu as a Server so that Windows XP machine as a client can log on using its own user account store on Kubuntu server. Also it can share files between Windows Xp client and Kubuntu server.

    So how to:
    • Setup domain on Kubuntu
    • Share folders

    • Add client user account on Kubuntu server

    If someone can point me to the right guide, I would be much appreciated.

    EDIT: Using Kubuntu 6.10

    Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

    Welcome to Kubuntu

    You might want to start here:

    This may be helpfull as well:

    If you stick with edgy you should be fine with samba but read a bit about it here:

    You will need samba for file sharing.

    I hope this helps you get started and enjoy

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

      Originally posted by Fintan
      Welcome to Kubuntu

      You might want to start here:
      thanks for your reply

      Read that tutorial but the file sharing section tells me that smb or nfs is not installed.. even I clicked Administrator Mode button. But Adept-installer tells me samba is already installed.

      So do you have any idea how to activate that file sharing window so I can add folder.

      PS: isn't Kubuntu 6.10 already has samba installed?


        Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

        Samba is divided in two parts.

        The client samba is used to access windows shares from a linux box. This is installed by default by Kubuntu. This package is called samba-common

        The server samba is used to let windows (or mac, or linux, or some DVD...) access your files, i.e. to share folders. This is not installed by default by Kubuntu (security reasons). The package name is just samba.

        You will need to use the full adept (adept_manager) to install samba, it's on the System Menu. It's kinda adept_installer but with a more advanced interface and more programs.



          Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

          ok I will try to install samba from adept_manager again but what about nfs? do I need to have it install? if so where can I get the right and working version for Kubuntu 6.10.

          thank you.


            Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

            You can READ ntfs files with no problems. Until recently it was difficult to write ntfs successfully. Fortunately, there is now a package called "ntfs-3g" which will write to ntfs partitions. I've never tried it, personally, but some people have reported success.


              Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

              I actually use "ntfs-3g" with no problems at all to my NTFS files . I can say I was VERY hesitant at first. I have messed up my Window$ partition before that app.


                Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                I mean NFS not NTFS.


                  Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                  Thanks for the advice but there is more to it in adapt manager there is no option to instal the samba program you mentioned. all is installed and is only shows samba common and smb.

                  Any help would be appreciated o and thanks for trying and yes i what NTFS is but its not what im after there is 2 files sharing options that arent enabled for file sharing in samba kubantu one is called NFS the other SMB and this sais it is not installed. i need this to establish a Server (Kubantu) to client (windows) if there is an easier way that any one knows about i would appreciate some help...


                    Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                    Well samba should be there. Have you configured your repositories?. Maybe you need to update them. Go to the Adept->Manage Repositories menu.

                    NFS is another way of sharing files. It's usually used between *nix machines. I don't know if windows will be able to access a NFS share.



                      Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                      nah, i understand that.

                      Do you know what the actual command or method is to install a package just downloaded samab-lalatest.tar.gz extracted it in to the folder but could not actualy install it in to the packeges just dont know how.

                      Any thoughts ?

                      Linux is ment to be easy i dont know about that iv been trying to do this for over a few months now, i learn more every day but its not an easy process.


                        Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                        Errr..., you should probably read this:


                        More info:




                          Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                          Originally posted by westcam
                          Linux is meant to be easy
                          Metaphorically speaking, running was never meant to be easy for someone barely capable of walking :P

                          Birdy aka littleDrHouse


                            Re: please help Setup Kubuntu as a Server

                            Why don't you use just console commands? The proccedure is as simple as:

                            First manage your repository list and then do:

                            sudo apt-get update
                            sudo apt-get install samba smbfs
                            I think you need also smbfs, so I have incluted it in the above command.

                            Then you need to modify smb.conf file

                            Make a copy first:
                            sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf smb.conf_backup
                            then edit:

                            sudo kate /etc/samba/smb.conf
                            and then you may need to add lines to allow you windows box to connect to samba i.e.

                            WORKGROUP = your_workgroup
                            netbios name = your_windows_name
                            hosts allow =

                            where is you windows ip adress

                            finally restart samba:
                            /etc/init.d/samba restart
                            and mount the drives you want to access

