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unable to display Kubuntu 7.04

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    unable to display Kubuntu 7.04


    I was testing out the live cd of Kubuntu 7.04 and found that I could only use it if I gave it a resolution to boot as instead of leaving it as VGA. However after I have installed it, I can't figure out a way to start my installed Kubuntu this way. Isn't there a way to bring up a splash screen like there was when you boot from the live CD?

    Re: unable to display Kubuntu 7.04

    Isn't there a way to bring up a splash screen like there was when you boot from the live CD?
    Yes, you will have to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Start a konsole (K>System>Konsole) and give this sequence of commands (remember, you WILL be graded on spelling and punctuation!)
    cd /boot/grub/  <-- change to the /boot/grub directory
    cp menu.lst menu.lst.old  <--- backup the file
    sudo nano menu.lst  <--- start the "nano" console editor
    Nano is a console editor so you have to navigate with the arrow keys because nano doesn't know about mice. Look for the section called
    ## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
    ## alternatives
    add your command on the line with the single'#'. DO NOT REMOVE THE '#' or add a second one. The #s are important when you update your system.

