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Update purgatory

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    Update purgatory

    I lost power at some point during the upgrade to Fiesty.

    I seem to have an orphaned control module due to this and I can't run various system features.

    I don't know how far the upgrade went along, whether I'm Fiesty now or merely Edgy.

    I've been trying to figure out this situation on my own, but it seems like too big an issue to take chances with.

    Thanks for any insight.

    Re: Update purgatory

    Have you tried just rerunning the update?


      Re: Update purgatory

      I don't know the command line instruction for the update.
      I ran the update initially when I was prompted to do so while using adept_updater.
      I can't use adept now because of the orphaned control module.

      Perhaps I need to kill this process, but I'm new at linux so the way to do simple things like this isn't obvious to me.

      Thanks for bearing with me.


        Re: Update purgatory

        The first thing to do is to start a konsole ( K>System>Konsole) then enter the command:
        dpkg-reconfigure -a
        This should normalize your package manager tools. Then (still at the konsole) enter the commands
        apt-get dist-upgrade
        apt-get update
        apt-get dist-upgrade
        That's not a misprint run the dist-upgrade command a SECOND time. the first one is intended to finish the uncompleted upgrade. The second one picks up some things that the system doesn't know it needs until after the first upgrade is completed.

