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Network card not detected

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    Network card not detected

    First of all, I am completely new to Linux. I know nothing, so please bear with me if I say something stupid.

    I recently downloaded the bootable Kubuntu DVD and toyed around with it on my home PC. I loved it. I decided to install it on an older home PC that I had not been using. It had been in storage for almost 2 years. The install was smooth, and I was elated the first time I logged in. So far I love it, except for one thing. I can't connect to my network. I had had no problems when I was running it off of the DVD on my other machine, so I was at a loss. At first I thought it was the card (the card had been placed in a plastic grocery bag and could easily have been damaged at some point). So I bought a new card. Nothing fancy, just an inexpensive one (Trendnet TE100-PCIWIN). No luck.

    I did a little research, but I didn't really know what to look for. I did manage to find out how to list detected pci devices using lspci, and I found that the card isn't even being detected. I also read something about ifconfig. I tried that. No network interface, just the local loopback.

    My first goal is to just get the machine to recognize that the card is there. Can someone help me? (Thanks in advance)

    Re: Network card not detected

    Trendnet TE100-PCIWN (you made a typo, but luckily google suggested the proper name for the card lol)

    Best I could do for you. Maybe that'll help you at least a little bit with some searching around there. Good luck!


      Re: Network card not detected

      Ya Gotta READ THE FINE PRINT !

      If you look at THIS PAGE, you will see a note(1) in the Linux column. I quote:
      YES (1) Device Drive May be Provided by the Chipset Manufacturer. Contact Chipset Manufacturer Directly.
      In my book, that is one notch above "Linux? Linux! We don't need no stinkin' Linux!"

      That said though most ethernet adapters just work. I'd try (1) remove card and reinstall in another slot. (2)Check the card for DIP switches and jumpers, and then check the manual for how to set them. Buy another card, the last one I bought was about $10US.


        Re: Network card not detected

        Thanks for the suggestions. I had already gone to the manufacturers site to find adequate drivers. Pitifully, the drivers available for download were older than the ones that came with the card. I should have realized that I should not expect much after opening the box to find the driver disk was a 3 1/2" floppy! What's more, the driver provided on that disk was from 2000.

        The driver consisted of two files, a .h and .c file. Before I made my original post I tried compiling those. I followed the build instructions, but the files were so old that some of the necessary header files were gone! Good grief. That's when I turned to this forum.

        A day or two after my first post, I sat down and opened up the machine. The first thing I tried was to pull out the new card and insert the old one. Lo and behold! It worked, and without any problems. Why it didn't work the first time, I don't know. But it works now, so I'll just be thankful for that and leave it alone. I haven't had a single problem since.

