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backup xorg config

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    backup xorg config

    Hello everyone, I'm a really new user of Kubuntu having paid a talented young man to install it on my home pc. He partitioned so I could also keep windows as the learning curve tossed me back and forth. Everything works great, I even managed to get my epson to work. Now my problem. I am using a microsoft intellimouse optical mouse and wanted to get the back and forward buttons to work. 7 button mouse. I found a link with needed changes to mouse config, backed up the config files first, added the two lines that were supposed to make my mouse work, clicked save and rebooted. Now reboot ends at a black terminal screen and I don't know what to do next. I'm begging for ideas. Thanks!

    Re: backup xorg config

    The first question is whether you followed the title of your post? Do you remember where you stored your backup and what it was named? If so, retrieving the situation will be quite easy. You will have to enter some commands at the Linux command line. The Linux command line (called the "shell") is just like DOS, but more powerful. In fact MSDOS was based on a version of the Unix shell.

    When you get to the terminal screen after rebooting, you should see a prompt saying "login:" Enter your username. You will then be prompted for your password. Respond appropriately. Enter the following commands (without the arows and explanations):
    cd /etc/X11/ <-- change to the directory with the xorg.conf file
    sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bad <-- change the name of the xorg.conf file
    After you enter the second command, you will be asked to enter your password, again. The command "sudo" transforms you into the "superuser" endowed with the powers of someone hacking into your windoze box (if, not yet, with the same amount of knowledge). Sudo won't ask for your password again for 15 minutes. The command following the word "sudo" will then be executed. Now enter the following command:
    sudo mv <your backup file> xorg.conf <-- change the name of the backup to xorg.conf
    Now reboot your computer. It should come up in KDE again.

    If so, please post the portion of the defective file that you changed. It should have been the stanza between the lines
    Section "InputDevice"
     Identifier "Configured Mouse"
    and the FIRST following line saying "EndSection". Someone here will be able to tell you what you should do to correct your file.

    If your backup file doesn't restore your xserver, we will need to do some debugging, but it shouldn't be too difficult, if you got your money's worth from the lad who did the installation.


      Re: backup xorg config

      The black screen is not acting like a terminal. It displays my entrys but does not act on them. When I hit 'enter' the flashing underscore just drops down to the the next line and keeps flashing. I tried all sorts of commands and nothing. Only way I get a response is ctl-alt-del for re-boot..

      I made a hard copy of the conf file I wanted to it is before I changed it:

      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Configured Mouse"
      Driver "mouse"
      Option "CorePointer"
      Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
      Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
      Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
      Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

      Here it is with the recommended changes:

      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Configured Mouse"
      Driver "mouse"
      Option "CorePointer"
      Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
      Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
      Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
      Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
      Option "Buttons" "7"
      Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"

      Backup files for this are simply named "backup" but are on the KDE desktop! Yeah...real smart. Seems I may have locked the keys in the car again.


        Re: backup xorg config

        Thank you so much for your help. My problem was that during the 10 second boot up period I failed to scroll down and select 'root' to access a valid command prompt. I was just letting it boot to KDE and that's where the big black screen was that I thought was a terminal. I was able to remove the changes I made, save it and 'Poof!" Kubuntu loaded again good as gold.
        Still can't make my 7 button mouse work right but I'm grateful to have my os back again. Since my main purpose of switching to opensource was to get away from the depths of Microsoft I probably should get a non-microsoft mouse as there any one 7 button mouse that's most preferred over the others?
        Even with the problems I have had with this new operating system I am thrilled with it and especially the quality of support available. Thanks again, Gary


          Re: backup xorg config

          is there any one 7 button mouse that's most preferred over the others?
          I don't know about every other type of mouse, but the short time I tried Kubuntu on my desktop computer a it was relatively easy to get the extra buttons on my Logitech MX510 to work. It just took a bit of googleing, to get the right stuff to write in my xorg.conf.

          Just remeber to back up xorg.conf before any changes

          - Delphi


            Re: backup xorg config

            The EASY WAY to backup your xorg.conf file (or any other) is to do it automatically when you change it. If you use the KDE Advanced Text Editor (KATE), before you start, click on Settings > Editor > Open/Save. Then, under "Backup and Save", check the box labeled "Local Files". The default is to add a '~' to the end of the filename. This is a standard Unix/Linux convention, but you could change it to ".bak" if you wish.

