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Sound in wine without turning off aRTs

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    Sound in wine without turning off aRTs

    I've been trying to play Warcraft III with Wine using OSS drivers. The game works good but there is no sound unless aRTs is turned off. Is there any way to fix this? Turning off aRTs each time I want to play is quite a chore...

    Re: Sound in wine without turning off aRTs

    I don't know what an aRTs is. But I noticed that Ultima Online didn't run with sound unless I did a
    sudo wine client.exe
    not just
    wine client.exe
    I also couldn't save any of my in game display changes or anything without the game crashing. Try sudo.

    Another thing to try,
    and set Hardware Acceleration to Emulation and check the box that says Driver Emulation. This helped me. Record your original settings in case it don't help.
    Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


      Re: Sound in wine without turning off aRTs

      With the OSS drivers, wine needs complete control of your sound system - that means any other programs that use sound need to be shut up. (Actually, there's a very complicated and more accurate explanation involving ALSA, OSS emulation, and various other acronyms, but I'll try and avoid it...)

      Put short, at the moment the only way of getting sound through wine concurrently with other apps using the sound card, is to configure wine to use ALSA drivers. Sadly, the ALSA drivers in wine aren't the best around but they *are* a current development focus.

