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Wifi help

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    Wifi help

    I installed kubuntu 6.10 onto my laptop today, and the only thing not working is my wifi

    I get the "You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to function properly.

    Did you run it using sudo?" message when launching the LAN manager.

    Also, I don't know if It is recognizing my laptops internal Wifi card becase it doesn't allow me to enable my Wireless Network Device (interface eth1) in the network settings window of the system settings.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Wifi help

    I know its not really a solution but have you considered installing 7.04 instead? Seeing as you have only just installed 6.10 it seems like you might as well use 7.04 instead as there have been a number of improvements, wireless networking being one that has improved substantially.

    As to actually trying to solve things. Probably a silly question but when you go into system settings>network settings do you then go into admin mode before trying to enable the device? Is it that the device appears in the list but that you can't enable it?

    As for the sudo thing, its unlikely that running wlassistant in sudo will actually solve anything but if you want to try it then press alt-F2 (shortcut for run command) and type 'sudo kwlassistant' (from memory thats right, but if it doesnt work drop the k). Then press enter, this will launch wireless assistant using sudo, that is, with admin powers.


      Re: Wifi help

      Ok, I installed 7.04, and now the wireless assistant isn't even there, and I still can't enable my wireless network device.

      Note I have a Broadcom BCM4311 card in my laptop.

      Edit: also yes, I have admin mode on


        Re: Wifi help

        From what i've seen it looks like in version 7.04 Wifi wanager has been merged with Knetwork manager. You should have a network icon in your system tray. You can just right click that and you'll see all your config options.

        hope this helps a little


          Re: Wifi help

          There is a chance that you might need to install ndiswrapper or bcm43-fwcutter. If you are not sure, you can check in /var/log/syslog and see if it says that there is a microcode missing. I also have a BCM4311 card and had to install ndiswrapper to make it work.


            Re: Wifi help

            I just installed kubuntu v6.10 on my pc and cannot seem to work the wifi side of things. i have a atho pci nic from netgear model WG311T. I have reached my download allowance so I'll have to wait a months time to download ver7.04. with all it's wifi bell and whitles.

            I'm really new at this, I mean really really new so be gentle. Do I need a linux driver for this wireless nic? I went to the manufacturers site but can't find one for linux.

            I have put the necessary details like ip addy gateway, ssid, wep passwod etc. to no effect.

            Many Thanks


              Re: Wifi help

              the atheros driver in kubuntu is broken install ndiswrapper or wait till it is fixed


                Re: Wifi help

                Ok, I followed this guide: and got my card all set up. I can scan and see networks, but when I try to connect to my home network I get stuck on "28 % Activation stage: Configuring device" and then after a while it gives up and goes back to my wired connection.

                Is there anything I need to to set up in the network manager to make this work? My network isn't encrypted.


                  Re: Wifi help

                  I don't have a good answer about using the network manager because my current setup (dial-up hooked up to a wireless broadband router) times out at 28% also. Mine seems to be more of an issue with my setup though.

                  Have you tried to connect to your wireless card by using the Konsole? I currently have to enter in my information manually and it does get connected. What I mean by this is that I use:

                  sudo iwconfig <eth1/wlan0> essid <name of network>

                  I am not for sure if you see eth1 or wlan0 as your wireless card and I don't know the name of what you are connecting, so just replace the <> information with what you see. If you are not for sure whether you are using eth1 or wlan0 you can look it up by using:

                  iwlist scan

                  It should show you all the wireless sites in your area and the card that it is getting the information from .


                    Re: Wifi help

                    Originally posted by Tophue
                    Ok, I followed this guide: and got my card all set up. I can scan and see networks, but when I try to connect to my home network I get stuck on "28 % Activation stage: Configuring device" and then after a while it gives up and goes back to my wired connection.

                    Is there anything I need to to set up in the network manager to make this work? My network isn't encrypted.
                    network manager seems tacky, (continue to bring up the status almost like refreshing it)

                    - or -

                    get the network essid
                    < in terminal below>
                    #ifdown <wired_dev>
                    # iwconfig <dev> essid <name>
                    # dhclient <dev>

