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switching between gnome and kde

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    switching between gnome and kde

    I installed kubuntu not so long ago and then, in a moment of madness wondered if GNOME might be as good as KDE, so installed the GNOME package. I much prefer KDE but now GNOME boots automatically on startup and I cannot figure out how to even switch to KDE, let alone make it my default again!
    I've tried removing GNOME but in spite of having done this it still loads (retrying the removal simply gives the message "package gnome is not installed so will not be removed" which makes sense but if package gnome is not installed then how can it load?
    Any help?

    Re: switching between gnome and kde

    Restoring /etc/X11/default-display-manager to /usr/bin/kdm should do the trick 8)


      Re: switching between gnome and kde

      just curious, why do you prefer kde to gnome since I was thinking of trying it out.
      every day is a gift


        Re: switching between gnome and kde

        I don't know... something inexplainable. It just seems a lot clearer and prettier. Maybe its just that I started with kde so I naturally like it more.


          Re: switching between gnome and kde

          and I just tried the suggestion and /etc/X11/default-display-manager is already /usr/bin/kdm. Any more suggestions? I'd rather not have to reinstall (although its not out of the question)


            Re: switching between gnome and kde

            Merely a guess ... but does explicitly removing GNOME's desktop manager change anything?

            [sudo] apt-get --purge remove gdm


              Re: switching between gnome and kde

              "package gdm is not installed so will not be removed" is the response I get from that.
              Is it possible that I can't remove things that I am using so as long as I am using gdm It will always be there? Is there some way i can switch over to kde and try removing gnome from there?

              Perhaps I could just delete the whole thing and start again with gutsy gibbon. That would be nice, I know people who were excited to be getting feisty not so long ago!


                Re: switching between gnome and kde

                Originally posted by philwatt
                "package gdm is not installed so will not be removed"

                [sudo] dpkg --list | grep 'gdm' -


                  Re: switching between gnome and kde

                  You should be able to switch back and forth from kde and gnome at the login screen. To the left of the username there should be a sessions option to allow you to select your desktop. My login screen is currently using kde and it has an icon on the left that you can right-click and change desktops. I think that if you want the system to boot with kde you might try to do the following:

                  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm

                  Hope that helps.


