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Dual screen and browsers

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    Dual screen and browsers


    I work with my ati card in linux kubuntu in dual screen.

    Both screens work independent but when opening Firefox in one screen , i can not open in in the other..(it says firefox is already running, but not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart the system)

    How can I open firefox in both screens?

    Re: Dual screen and browsers

    rather than attempting to open another instance of the program, why not open a new window, and just move it to the second screen?


      Re: Dual screen and browsers

      Originally posted by f1rem0th
      rather than attempting to open another instance of the program, why not open a new window, and just move it to the second screen?
      Because I can not. I can move my mouse cursor to the scond screen , but not drag a program to the other like in windows.
      Its almost that there are two linux kernels running


        Re: Dual screen and browsers

        Almost... not two kernels, but two X-heads. By default when you add a second screen, it runs an almost-separate instance of X, rather than the intuitive "just extend my desktop".

        If you want that functionality, then add the line
        Option "Xinerama" "True"
        to the ServerLayout section of your xorg.conf file (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, add the line, Ctrl-X, Y).

