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zomg! I broked it :((

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    zomg! I broked it :((

    I've been running kubuntu for just over a month now, and had no problems (yay!)

    however i jsut installed an Nvidia Geforce 6 series gfx card on my machine, and now X wont start.

    i tried

     sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    and changed the drivers to NV (which i presumed is the nvidia generic driver)

    but no matter what i do , X wont boot.

    In the rconfigure however, I was asked to specify the PCI address of my card.

    I elft it as default and i think that might be my problem.

    any ideas how to find this info, and finally get my card to fully work? lol

    Re: zomg! I broked it (

    If you are willing to run the proprietary Nvidia driver, then I would download Envy and run it. I tried it last night on my 64-bit Ubuntu system (GeF 7900GS PCI card) and it worked great. Get it here:

    After the basic driver installation completes, if you are thinking of running eye-candy (Beryl or Compiz), then open a console and type
    sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
    then restart the xserver by doing a Ctrl-Alt--Backspace. After that you can open your Adept Manager and mark your packages for installation.

    Good luck. Let us know if there are still problems after you try it.


      Re: zomg! I broked it (

      the problem is, I cant download envy without a GUI (I dont know how to anyway)

      basically, all i have is a CLI.


        Re: zomg! I broked it (

        OK, never fear, even a GUI-guy like me can help you recover from this.

        If all you have is a CLI, then log in. After login, type
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
        This will initiate the xserver configuration script. On the first screen, it will ask if you want to auto-detect the graphics card -- you must answer "NO". Then on the second screen you must choose "VESA" as the display driver. After this, you have a lot of screens about your keyboard, your mouse, and your monitor. Unless you have information to the contrary, you should be able to accept defaults, until you get to the monitor section. Choose only one or a couple of resolutions, and the refresh range that you think is safe for your monitor/LCD.

        When you finish the script, it will put you back to the CLI. At this point, you type
        , and you should get a GUI desktop. Now you can use your browser to go get Envy, and use it to install the Nvidia driver.

        Good luck -- this should work for you.


          Re: zomg! I broked it (

          sometimes the simplest thing is the answer: thanks for sharing the "startx" command - i had the same problem and that was the answer... now i hope it doesn't make me go through all that every time i boot up...

          i'm trying to gain the use of my s-video out part of the already working video card...which worked under windows vista (which i scrapped cuz their program selection stinks, can't even copy dvd iso's)

          so obviously i got myself into this jam trying to set multiple monitor settings. the system settings monitor application does precious little so far. i check the s-video out setting (by switching monitor to s-video mode) and all i see is three prmary colors with some peripheral blinking and shaking going on...

          can you solve that one robin hood?

          (post a pay-pal donation button if you can, because people like you deserve to be financially supported... imhop)



            Re: zomg! I broked it (

            never mind . now even s-video is working . time to download more google videos and burn them onto disc - i can't get enough of these explosive documentaries that shatter widespread worldwide myths - peace


              Re: zomg! I broked it (


              I knew how to reconfigure xserver, it just turns out i was using the wrong drivers >.<

              lol i was using NV instead of vesa.

              Well, I'll give it a go, and then I'll get back to you adn give you kudos


                Re: zomg! I broked it (

                gah, it didnt work.

                I reconfigured Xserver, using all the stuff you gave me, but xserver still threw teh same error.

                It seems that i need to specify the PCI address of my gfx card, but how do i find it out?


                  Re: zomg! I broked it (

                  lspci | grep VGA
                  should give you an output along the lines of

                  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)
                  In this case, my graphics card is at address 01:00.0.


                    Re: zomg! I broked it (

                    is right!

                    OK, this all began when you changed the graphics card -- you say it ran correctly for the preceding month. What was the previous graphics display system? Is there an integrated display, and then you added the Nvidia card, or did the Nvidia card replace a previous card? Was there some process for "un-installing" the previous display system, or did you simply "Plug 'n Pray?". It may be that there is a way to work this after-the-fact card swap, but I hate to say it -- (lacking a *nix engineer in your house) you may be stuck with re-installing your Linux system -- I hope it's not too awful to back up your data from the CLI, if that is the way it has to be.

                    The command
                    will show the present PCI slot assignments, if you want to try changing it in the installer script. On my Intel motherboard, my Nvidia card is in the first PCI Express port, which appears as

                    00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82975X PCI Express Root Port

                    I'll cross my fingers for you ..... :P


                      Re: zomg! I broked it (

                      Originally posted by dibl
                      is right!

                      OK, this all began when you changed the graphics card -- you say it ran correctly for the preceding month. What was the previous graphics display system? Is there an integrated display, and then you added the Nvidia card, or did the Nvidia card replace a previous card? Was there some process for "un-installing" the previous display system, or did you simply "Plug 'n Pray?". It may be that there is a way to work this after-the-fact card swap, but I hate to say it -- (lacking a *nix engineer in your house) you may be stuck with re-installing your Linux system -- I hope it's not too awful to back up your data from the CLI, if that is the way it has to be.

                      The command
                      will show the present PCI slot assignments, if you want to try changing it in the installer script. On my Intel motherboard, my Nvidia card is in the first PCI Express port, which appears as

                      00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82975X PCI Express Root Port

                      I'll cross my fingers for you ..... :P
                      EDIT: Yes, JamesM is correct, and faster than me, too!


                        Re: zomg! I broked it (

                        Ok, Illl try and lspci for the address, and input that into the xorg configure gui.
                        Which are the generic nvidia drivers for my card? "NV" or "Vesa"?


                          Re: zomg! I broked it (

                          "nv" is the generic open source driver for Nvidia cards. "VESA" is a generic "fits 'em all" driver that works for most manufacturers and models, but provides no 3D, acceleration, or other extra features. So, "nv" should work to get yours to a GUI functionality.


                            Re: zomg! I broked it (

                            thanks, and then i install envy to install the drivers properly adn to give 3d acceleration?

                            I take it, after i properly install driveers, my GFX card can handle beryl, or 3d desktop?


                              Re: zomg! I broked it (

                              It kind of semi-worked 0_o

                              I used lspci to get the address of my card. Now when i boot up i get the GUI login, however, when typing in teh username and password, it starts to go to desktop, then reverts back to login.

                              I moved into CLI mode to try and capture the error, and it said that it received fatal error 11.

                              I'm sick of messing around with it, so im just DLing 7.04 (was on 6.10 but had problem with upgrading)

                              and I'll install from scratch from ISO.

