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Instilling Software

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    Instilling Software

    How do you instill software on Kubuntu?

    Re: Instilling Software

    Originally posted by Linux Tails
    How do you instill software on Kubuntu?
    You use the Adept Package Manager to select the "packages' that you want. In Debian-speak,
    software application program = "package"
    So, KMenu>System>Adept Manager, click to open, and it will ask for your Super-User password, and then it will open and allow you to browse the 22,000 available packages. Don't spend all day on it!


      Re: Instilling Software

      "instill" Like he is trying to download some software back in the woods using copper tube and a wash tub.

      K->System->Adept Manager


      sudo apt-get "item Name"


      some things are downloadable in packages, just rt click and select install.
      Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


        Re: Instilling Software

        Mr. Linux Trails, I can't tell if you are new to Kubuntu only, or new to Linux in general. If it is the latter case, please know that you CANNOT go downloading any file from the Internet that claims to be a Linux software program, and install it on your system, like one would do with Windows. Your fine Debian-based Kubuntu system requires programs to be "packaged" -- it is a great system that avoids "dependency hell". If you get to where you want to make packages yourself, the gurus can teach you how, but it's not for novices (like me ....).


          Re: Instilling Software

          If Kubuntu isn't Linux then what is Kubuntu then?


            Re: Instilling Software

            Originally posted by Linux Tails
            If Kubuntu isn't Linux then what is Kubuntu then?
            Kubuntu certainly is Linux. But there are many "distributions" of Linux, and Kubuntu is one of the Debian family of Linux -- sorry if I caused misunderstanding.


              Re: Instilling Software

              Kubuntu is one operating system that uses the Linux kernel. There are many different ones (they're sometimes called distros) that use the Linux kernel.

              This link may help you out too:
              Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


                Re: Instilling Software

                I understand but how come it being Linux doesn't allow you do download all Linux software? How can I instill software without the Adept Manager?


                  Re: Instilling Software

                  Why do you want to do it without Adept Package Manager?

                  Would you prefer a different interface? There's always Synaptic Package Manager or Add/Remove Programs.

                  If you enable extra repositories, you'll see a lot more programs available for installation.
                  Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


                    Re: Instilling Software

                    Thanks. Is there others or is that it?


                      Re: Instilling Software

                      Read this:

                      It explains almost all the ways there are to install software in Kubuntu. The repositories should take care of 90-99% of your software needs.
                      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu

