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Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

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    Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

    Hi there,

    I tried searching this forums and google and the linksys site for more information on this, but failed to succeed.

    I got like 10 years Windows experience and now 3 hours Kubuntu 6.0.? experience.

    Install got fine, but then I wanted to connect to the internet with a wireless Linksys network adapter.

    How can I see wether Kubuntu found my adapter, how do I know Kubuntu has it's drivers? Or where should I download the drivers.

    When going to System setting - Netwerk setting I get the two onboard ethernet cards enabled, but it doesn't seem to find the wireless USB adapter. Can't find any of my USB hardware, or I don't know where to look.

    Hope anybody can help me a little on the way with this new open source experience. In the mean time I keep on reading here and googling my way around.

    Thanks in Advance

    Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

    Oke, my biggest frustration is gone, i'm online (with cable).

    So I can reach the internet with this Kubuntu PC, but my next goal is to get online with the cables. So if anybody knows why my linksys network adapter isn't found by Kubuntu, I'd really could use some tips.


      Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

      You say it's a usb adapter? In a konsole type lsusb and see if it shows up. It is possible that Kubuntu doesn't see it or that it's not supported. With the info from the konsole you at least have a starting point.

      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

        stooker@stooker-desktop:~$ lsusb
        Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
        Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
        Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

        I guess this is not right, is it?


          Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

          I had the same problem a couple of months ago. Mine was a Linksys WUSB54GC. As you say you got only 3hours Kubuntu experience, it's perhaps useful to inform you that wireless often does not work out-of-the-box on linux. Driver-issues...

          Don't panic though. Ndiswrapper is what you looking for. Lovely program to get your wireless cards up and running.


            Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

            Your Kubuntu doesn't find any usb hardware?
            Tried with a memory-stick?
            Should find it in your /media/ directory then.

            If it's only your wireless card, then use ndiswrapper.
            If you have no usb whatsoever, that's strange.


              Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

              I think it doesn't find anything, in the map media are only 2 dir's --> cdrom and cdrom1

              I'll try the ndiswrapper option, can I install that from adept?


                Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                Adept is your friend for all your programs, including ndiswrapper
                Once you've installed it you'll have to look for the .inf file of your chipset on the cdrom that came with your wireless card. (In my case this was the RT73.inf). Just type ndiswrapper -i ??.inf in your console (-i stands for install) and you should be up and running.

                The /media/usb dir doesn't show up as long as there is no mountable medium in it, and I don't know whether wireless adapter counts as mountable. I think (not sure though, I'm just getting started with Linux myself) that you can find your usb in the /dev/bus dir, even without medium attached. If it's there, you should be fine, I hope.


                  Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                  Don't start from scratch, there are several excellent theads here and at Look under Broadcom wireless usb. For 11b you can use the kernel drivers or ndiswapper for 11g definitely use ndiswrapper.


                    Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                    Oke, I read a lot about these networking adapters and it seems that there is no linu solution for these adapters. I indeed found the way to do it with ndiswrapper......

                    The exact procedure that worked for a guy on the Ubuntu forums was:

                    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update

                    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

                    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

                    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-`uname -r` /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

                    Go to website:
                    download latest ndiswrapper to home folder (version 1.38 here)

                    user@ubuntu:~$ tar xvzf ndiswrapper-1.38.tar.gz

                    user@ubuntu:~$ cd ndiswrapper-1.38

                    user@ubuntu:~/ndiswrapper-1.28$ make distclean

                    user@ubuntu:~/ndiswrapper-1.28$ make

                    user@ubuntu:~/ndiswrapper-1.28$ sudo make install

                    Download driver (install in home folder) from:

                    enable all repositories and install these 3 packages:




                    user@ubuntu::~/ndiswrapper-1.28$ cd ~

                    user@ubuntu:~$ unzip WUSB11v4_08272004.exe

                    user@ubuntu:~$ cd WUSB11v4_08272004/Drivers

                    user@ubuntu:~/WUSB11v4_08272004/Drivers$ sudo ndiswrapper -i WUSB11v4.inf

                    Go ahead and plug in your device

                    user@ubuntu:~/WUSB11v4_08272004/Drivers$ sudo depmod -a

                    user@ubuntu:~/WUSB11v4_08272004/Drivers$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper


                    Hopefully you now see your device

                    iwlist wlan0 scan

                    You should now see all available networks

                    sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid XXXX mode managed

                    Where XXXX is your network

                    sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

                    If everthing ok then:

                    sudo ndiswrapper -m

                    Hope this is the right way. First let's start getting ndiswrapper on my machine. Cause I can't find it in the K-menu --> Add/remove programmes.

                    I already enabled all lines possible in recource list. Must I download this throught terminal as described above? I'm not so fond of the terminal way, cause of my windows background so I like to try it on the visual way if possible.


                      Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                      I downloaded ndiswrapper-1.43.tar.gz to the desktop and now trying to extract it to the home dir (as the guide says), but it says I have no rights for that dir.

                      I'm logged in as root or not?


                        Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                        stooker, those instructions are much more complicated than you need. Use System->Adept and install ndiswrapper. You don't need to compile anything.


                          Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                          oke, downloaded diswrapper from that menu.

                          Now I see in the K-menu --> System --> Windows Wireless Drivers

                          But if I click that icon nothing happens.....


                            Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                            Hi guys,

                            I am having the same problem and trying to install ndiswrapper, but, whouahh, you really must be willing to work with linux to do that... This is only the network card configuration, then I'll have to work on the video driver. But with internet access, that should help.

                            Anyway, I'd love to be able to install ndiswrapper from adept, but what if I don't see it in adept ?

                            I've succeeded in putting the source file from sourceforge, but cannot compile it, lots of dependancies not found (such as printf...) when I lunch make command.

                            I'd love to be able to run it from adept, any hint ?

                            Thanks a lot for your help.


                              Re: Getting online with my Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter

                              Enable ALL lines (except comment lines) in sourcelist and then check both boxxes upper right and then you'll find it in Adept/Remove programs

                              But I installed it and now I'm stuck

                              Same for me btw, first network card then video/printer/webcam/ext harddisk etc

                              So what to do if I installed Ndiswrapper?

