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kappfinder doesnt find everything

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    kappfinder doesnt find everything

    Hello folks,

    I really do hate asking as it is far more rewarding to find these things for myself but, I must now ask for assistance. I am using breezy 5.10 and I have used adept to install several programs. As with many n00b's, I cant find them. I used kappfinder and that only found about half of them. I was able to use the edit menu to add a generic icon and run nessus. I dont really like that but, if that is my only choice then so be it. There are other programs that I cant find and dont know the exact name to run it. Is there anything else out there that may do a better job of finding programs or how do I go about finding the correct name to run the program?

    Another question, when I use apt-get update, about 20-30 things come up. Almost all appear to be security related. Do I want to install all of them and if so do I have to do it one at a time or there something like apt-get install/all that will do it  for you? Also, games doesnt come up in the kmenu but it does show up in menu editor, any idea how to add it?

    Please be kind, I have at least 3 hours of searching between last night and this morning. Most of them on this forum. I also used someones guide to adding more repositories. It worked great and was clearly written, thank you.

    EDIT: My sincere apologies, I sorta figure it out a half hour after I post. I ran across a thread where someone asked about synaptic. Just for kicks I looked it up and it looked like an adept alternative so I try it out and viola. Apparently with adept, I was installing the terminal program without a gui. For other new folks, I would highly recommend they use synaptic over adept for that feature alone.

    The games folder also appeared once I successfully installed bzflag.