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right click context menu insite K menu

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    right click context menu insite K menu

    I'm using kubuntu now, but priorly I was using kurumin, which is another debian derivate with kde.

    Kubuntu's K menu has a missing feature when compared with kurumin's, apparently it lacks a context menu inside the K menu. In kurumin by right-clicking most of the menu items, there was a context menu with the options of adding to the desktop or to the main panel, to edit the item (with kmenuedit), and to add to the "execute" dialog (not quite sure about what does it means).

    It is something really specific to kurumin or can I customize the KDE on kubuntu and get that or something similar?

    Re: right click context menu insite K menu

    That functionality is present. Just checked.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: right click context menu insite K menu

      To me the right click works just like the left one (within K menu). I'm going to check on the peripherals configuration to see if there's something I'm missing.


        Re: right click context menu insite K menu

        If as you say, your mouse buttons both operate the same, then you should check your mouse settings first.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: right click context menu insite K menu

          I could not find anything related to that on the mouse configuration (in kcontrol)... I even sneaked a bit into the system services part, but if there was something related to that I've missed it.

          I think I should check how the live CD version does...

          This sort of configuration is supposed to be in an easily editable text file? Or there's something more weird going on?


            Re: right click context menu insite K menu

            The mouse setting are in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and can be easily edited with kwrite. But for that problem I would say the easiest thing would be to have kubuntu automatically regenerate xorg.conf (refresh/update X11) as it seems a basic thing to be missed. However I can't remember the code for this at the moment. Anyone?

            Found it: sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg

            Otherwise here is my mouse entry from /etc/X11/xorg.conf, might be useful to compare it to yours
            Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier "Configured Mouse"
            Driver "mouse"
            Option "CorePointer"
            Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
            Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
            Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
            Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"


              Re: right click context menu insite K menu

              Interesting. My entry respective to mouse is setting it as ExplorerPS/2, which would be a mouse with two extra buttons it doesn't really have. It was supposed to be IMPS/2 too, I think.

              The "sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg" didn't work, it gave me "dpkg: conflicting actions --control and --remove"...

              I'll try to switch explorerPS/2 for imps/2, reset X and see what happens...



              update Didn't work

              I tried to restart X and the whole linux as well, but still the same. At least the modification I did didn't change things for worse...


                Re: right click context menu insite K menu

                I think I've found a clue to solving this... I've created another user, and "he" does not have the same problem. Which is a clue that whatever is causing it, is probably in a user configuration file, rather than something more general or something really wrong with the installation.


                  Re: right click context menu insite K menu

                  Your personal settings are all stored in dotted directories under /home/<user-name>/, (which will henceforth be abbreviated as '~'). So to see your settings, the first thing to do is to activate "Show Hidden files" under "View" in Konqueror.

                  The actual "K" menu is stored in ~/.config/menus as "" if you have, in fact edited your menu. If you haven't edited it, the menu may be someplace under /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings, but I haven't found it, so it may be that it's just generated on the fly when you add new software with Adept or Synaptic.

                  The only file I can find that looks like it should configure kmenuedit is ~/.kde/share/config/kmenueditrc, but on my system that's just 78 bytes of info about the size of the kmenuedit window, etc. If I were you I'd look for files that are different for your two users in ~/.config/* and ~/.kde/*, where the difference might be the existence of a file in one user's tree and not in the other's. Please keep us posted, I'm curious.

