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Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

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    Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

    I have been wondering for quite a while about how I might be able to install Kubuntu and get the GUI to come up with my nVidia video card. I don't have any cards other than nVidia and I recently found this script to automatically install the drivers for nVidia cards.

    If I were to somehow get this script to install the drivers when I install Kubuntu, would that fix the problem?

    If so, since I don't have nearly the expertise to modify the CD image and put the script in, could some awesome person do it for me? I'm desperate - I have only had Kubuntu on my system for a small bit and then I switched hard drives and put in Win2k pro. Then I had problems installing it because of my nVidia card, and didn't have another card to put in instead.

    So, that said, could someone please make me a Kubuntu CD image with the script included so that I can install Kubuntu? I have been itching to get Krita...

    - keantoken

    Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

    Personally I can't. But the default (open source) nvidia driver should bring the GUI just fine, but with poor hardware acceleration. You can install kubuntu this way, and later add the nvidia driver, would that work ? (that's what I do BTW)

    Otherwise, you may try one of the kuntu derivatives. Maybe Mepis or Linux Mint KDE provide the binary driver by default.

    Good luck


      Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

      I wouldn't mind going through the extra effort to somehow do what ever you do to use the nVidia drivers, but the support pages are often VERY cryptic, at least when you have very little experience with programming (Casio Graphing calcs, anyone?). And mainly, I don't have a printer so I can't print out the instructions...

      I can try my best to do what is told (and believe me - I CAN GET IT WORKING [eventually]). But I'm only 13 years old and I wasn't around when they used DOS and all that command-line stuff. Needless to say, it's a little confusing to me. Of course the experience won't hurt .

      So how do I do this?

      - keantoken


        Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

        Fair Enough

        According to this page, installation in Ubuntu (not Kubuntu) is very easy for this release:

        Maybe that's best for you, to install Ubuntu and try
        System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager
        (I don't see this menu entry in Kubuntu)

        Once you installed ubuntu, if you prefer KDE, you can install "kubuntu-desktop" and have a kubuntu installation as well.

        Alternatively, anyone know if System Settings handles the configuration of the Nvidia drivers in Kubuntu ? I mean handling the way Kean needs it: do the whole thing (changing xorg.conf, etc)

        Thanks guys


          Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

          Also, see here (just found something out)


            Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

            Which nvidia card is it? This would help isolate exactly what the problem is.


              Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

              It's a GeForce FX 5500 PCI.


              I have gotten into the X server somehow before and edited the xorg.conf file so that it would work, but after that I found out that I had to install some weird editor thing just so that I could save the changes.

              About what you just posted, how exactly does it help me get it installed? Was the code snip that you posted how to install it or how to access it? And about the Ubuntu support page, It doesn't specify if a GUI is present or even how to go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager. I think my loss of mental capacity for this one is directly related to my very limited exposure. I just haven't gotten used to all the nonspecification. but in case I'm missing some extremely crucial piece of logic here, could you explain?

              - keantoken


                Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                Hello again.

                I just burned the 7.04 CD and when I go to try to partition my drives, it tells me that I can't resize my windows partition! And for some odd reason my windows partition takes up the whole 9GB on the drive when in reality I've only got it filled halfway. Any suggestions?

                I tried both the RANISH thing and qtparted on the system rescue CD and nothing worked, and I even tried taking my USB drive out of the slot...

                - keantoken


                  Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                  Kean, you say "the whole 9GB", but that isn't right, is it? What size is the total hard drive, and how much of it is Windows using? You really need at least 15 - 20 GB of free disk space if you're serious about installing (K)Ubuntu and doing anything with it. The root partition "/" needs at least 8 GB, and you'll want a /home partition for your data, and a swap partition that is 1.5 times your RAM.

                  Here's a great guide to partitioning your hard drive:


                  I hope this helps you figure out how to proceed!


                    Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                    In total, I have 18GB in my computer. This doesn't sound right though, because I've had Kubuntu installed on a 2GB Drive! My primary drive is 10Gb and my secondary is 8GB.


                      Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                      Okay, even if this topic is completely dead, I'm going to post this so that others know how I solved my problem. 
                      What I did: 
                      I installed Kubuntu, and experimented like CRAZY (I only had command-line because of the nVidia problem. This is what I did when I figured everything out:
                      I went to recovery mode at the bootloader, and did [code]help pci
                      It told me that I could do
                      man -k pci
                      And it told me to do
                      which would give me a list of the PCI devices and their respective PCI slots as well as their identifiers.

                      It gave me this:
                      nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)
                      PCI: 2:0b.0
                      So, I tried editing the xorg.conf file with nano:

                      nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
                      I edited the section with the ATI videocard I didn't have:

                      "Identifier" nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)
                      "PCI" 2:0b:0
                      But do you know what the problem was with that? The xorg.conf file is read in decimal, and the PCI slot number reference I was using (lspci) presented them in hexadecimal. I (after much experimentaion) later discovered when the bootup verbose gave me a xorg.conf error, that "PCI device 2:11:0 has no identifier". And then I noticed that B in hexadecimal is 11! So the PCI slot number of my videocard is actually 2:11:0!

                      __________________________________________________ ______________________________

                      So, to install Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) when you have an nVidia Vidcard, follow these instructions:

                      Go to recovery mode (in bootloader), and type

                      (this is LSPCI for those of you that don't know the difference from a L and an I in lowercase. Think of it in mnemonics: lspci=LiStPCI)

                      Then, copy down the EXACT part of the list which states your nVidia device. Under this, it should say the PCI slot number which should look something 02:00.0 or 02:0b.0. After you write it down, convert the numbers to hexadecimal if needed. Here is a decimal to hexadecimal convertion table:

                      |Decimal|Hex  |
                      |0   |0    |
                      |1   |1    |
                      |2   |2    |
                      |3   |3    |
                      |4   |4    |
                      |5   |5    |
                      |6   |6    |
                      |7   |7    |
                      |8   |8    |
                      |9   |9    |
                      |10   |a    |
                      |11   |b    |
                      |12   |c    |
                      |13   |d    |
                      |14   |e    |
                      |15   |f    |
                      |16   |11   |
                      (when I converted 2:0b.0 to hex it became 2:11.0)

                      But we're not through converting! Finally, take that ugly peridod and turn it into a colon. When I did this my ugly 2:11.0 became a 2:11:0! :P

                      Next step:

                      Edit the xorg.conf in nano:

                      nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
                      Now, press the down button and scroll down to the device section that is NOT your ATI card (if you have an ATI card), and replace the "identifier" part with the device name you took from lspci and put in your notes. This is what I did:

                      <' "Identifier" "ATI blahblah" '> became: <' "Identifier" "nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)"
                      And now, take the part that says "driver" and modify the text that comes after it to say "nv" like I did:

                      <' "Driver" "ati" '> became: <' "driver" "nv" '>
                      And finally, take your notes again, and edit the text that comes after "PCI" to state your converted PCI slot number, like I did:

                      <' "PCI" "1:0:0" '> became: <' "PCI" "2:11:0" '>
                      Now, if you want to, you can save the modified xorg.conf to a backup file by pressing CTL+O and typing
                      (that's what I did at least) and then press Y to confirm. Then, go to the original xorg.conf by pressing CTL+X, and entering (in command prompt) [codenano /etc/X11/xorg.conf[/code]. Save the original (the one you just opened in the last sentence) by pressing CTL+O, and typing
                      (again, that's what I did, at least). Now, once again, open the backup file of the modified xorg.conf by typing
                      nano /etc/X11/xorg.confbak
                      , and then save it to the original file by pressing CTL+O and typing
                      __________________________________________________ ________________

                      And that's how it's done! *sighs very loudly in relief*

                      NOTE: These instructions are probably very amateurish and full of errors and indiscrepancies. If asked, I WILL go back and edit this to make it more readable.

                      - keantoken


                        Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                        Not to be mean but I have a 5500 pci and kubuntu installs fine from the cd or dvd. then I install the nvidia-glx-legacy driver and all is good. have to change resolution with nvidia-settings. but all is good.

                        Also where did you get and 18 GB drive from.

                        I think you need to check your system specs again and send them to us then we will try to help you more. what your saying just dose not compute unless your computer is from 1985.....


                          Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                          Yeah, I understand...

                          But I'm not as much of a computer specialist as everybody else who tries to install Kubuntu because, literally, I can't be. I don't have nearly enough money! And if I wait several years for the prices to go down for 100+ GB hard drives, I'll be obsolete by then, too.

                          Actually, I have LOTS of computer parts from the 80's. I have a dual-processor Mobo from 1987 and some of those old videocards with those weird coaxial outputs... But trust me, My computer specs are completely accurate:

                          CPU: PIII Katmai 550MHz
                          Sound Card: SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold, with the drivers installed and working on Win2k (that is extremely hard, BTW).
                          Model: Dell Optiplex GX1 Slot processor, ISA/PCI card slots (no AGP, though it supports it...) from 2000.
                          CD Drive: Sony DRU-830A
                          HDDs: Pri: 10GB, Sec: 8Gb (10GB+8GB=18GB) these are stock drives from other computers (and also the biggest ones I have :P)
                          GFX: PNY Verto nVidia GeForce FX 5500 PCI 128MB RAM
                          RAM: 384MB (256MB+128MB)
                          Cooling: Stock+old 486 Fan cooling mobo, and another 486 fan cooling my GFX and the case is also open (helps a bunch with frequent tweaking).
                          USB: 2 Stock (v1.1)+Stratitec 5-port USB v2.0
                          Ethernet: 100MBPS@Full-Duplex
                          OS(s): Win2k pro and Kubuntu (yes, it works!)

                          Extra Parts:
                          HDD: TONS of old 2GB HDDs and an [extremely] old 580MB HDD (that still works!!!), and also a 3GB I took from a Compaq Presario laptop (133MHz CPU).
                          GFX: 2 nVidia RIVA 128s (one has a TV-out port), Diamond Stealth PCI, Diamond Stealth ISA, MANY MANY OTHERS (including ones from 1985, BTW :P)
                          Sound: Numerous ISA cards, including the one I use now which is the Creative AWE64 Gold w/Gold plated RCA outputs and a MIDI port.
                          CPUs: Pentium 133MHz, 166MHz,200MHz, 2 66MHz.
                          Mobos: At least 6 but probably 8 or 10. All from the 80s and early 90s.

                          Did I mention that I set up my brother's computer?
                          Yes - it has a Pentium MMX 200MHz, 4GB HD space, about 70MB of RAM, a 5-port USB 2.0 (that works, BTW! we had to play with it a little, and it obviously doesn't perform to it's potential, but we're saving it for when he gets a better computer), He also has the Video-out one of my nVidia Riva 128s, and his soundcard is a SoundBlaster 16!. And It ALL works! The OS is win98SE Drive had it already installed when I put it in).

                          In short, taking apart broken computers and other electronics things is my passion. But only because the Computer administrator at my old school gave me two boxes full of old computer stuff! :P (and his assistant admin gave me a kubuntu 6.06 CD, as well as a Debian CD and a Novell Suse Linux CD).

                          If anyone wants pictures of these, I may be able to specially commission them from my brother (who is the only one in the house with a camera, BTW). Just ask, and I will see if I can post some :P .

                          - keantoken


                            Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                            OK, if the install disk does not boot and bring X up, though it should you seem to have enough system to do that. Download the alternate cd from the kubuntu site and install in text mode. Then once installed X should at least work in vesa mode till you install the nvidia drivers from the repository. This would be the easiest way to get around your problem....


                              Re: Could someone please make me a more convenient CD image for Kubuntu?

                              It works! X opens up. The only major problem that I have is that it doesn't log me in with all permissions even if I log in as ROOT. And I have been trying to install the nVidia drivers and it comes up with weird errors like " must be installed at lowest level: SH" and when I go to recovery mode and try to install it, the installer tells me that I need root permissions to install even though I am logged on as root. I went to /etc/apt/sources.list and enabled all of the repositiories, but even so Envy (Vidcard installer script) won't install right saying something about reposistories. But apparently my system has enough power to run Kubuntu at decent speeds. All I need to do is set up all the accelerateable outputs to a decent acceleration, set up a swap partition and I'm fit to go.

                              EDIT: When I posted this I was doing it on the systemrescuecd. I suppose the reason I love linux so much is that it's different from widows (I can even notice differences in the way it lags :P), yet isn't a pain to learn. It's just as intuitive as windows, if not more because of the comman-line being much more intuitive than DOS and because it's getting much more intuitive all the time (hence why I was able to get it running). Thanks Kubuntu team (and Ubuntu as well) (and none of us can forget Linus Torvalds (if that's his name))!

                              Thanks everyone!
                              - keantoken

