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Any suggestions????

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    Any suggestions????

    I don't know if this is the topic where this should go. If it isn't, please move it. I am running the live cd of Kubuntu right now testing my hardware. I'm hesitant of installing especially since I installed Ubuntu 7.04 and from the start, my sound doesn't work. I had sound out of the gate with Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 but not with 7.04. I would like any suggestions. Alsa does work in 6.06 and 6.10 but not 7.04. I like the fact that this newest release has alot going for it like many of the new driver possibilities and all but, I do need my sound. I have a Toshiba Satellite A105-2101. Please help. Also, I reinstalled Ubuntu 6.06 because I know everything runs fine in this release but, I would like to possibly run this release of Kubuntu if I can get the sound going. Thanks.

    Re: Any suggestions?

    In Ubuntu 7.04 (64-bit), for some inexplicable reason the ALSA sound system was installed with mute on, and I needed to open the little volume control icon in the upper right corner, choose "Edit" and "Preferences", and start unmuting things. When I unmuted the "mixer" icon is when sound came alive.

    But my Kubuntu 7.04 (32-bit) has never had a sound issue. This is on an Intel motherboard with the STAC97xx sound chip -- nothing special. Amarok, of course, reports no mp3 support even though that was the first thing I installed, and mp3s actually play just fine. I don't know what the deal is with the non-stop and untrue Amarok error messages -- it's kind of like a little game to see which ones are actually true and which are just buggy false alarms.

