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second easy question:

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    second easy question:


    above is downloaded to my file but how do I install it?
    every day is a gift

    Re: second easy question:

    Yikes -- don't try it! That .rpm extension at the end of it is your clue that it is not a Debian package. If you are seeking a Firefox plugin (and assuming 32-bit OS), use the Firefox "Tools > Add-ons" utility to chase down the correct flash player, and make sure you get the one for Debian Linux distros. Follow the instructions at the download site, for saving the file to your desktop, and then for extracting it to a new folder that it will make for itself, and then for running the installer out of that folder.


      Re: second easy question:

      um, means I have to download firefox, and I just wanted to keep things at konqueror level,

      - play mp3s with amarok
      - install flash player for konqueror
      - install VLC for codexes

      But I would like to make out a tutorial of this so that I can install kubuntu on someones laptop and more or less it is ready to go, in short it is Help the Aged time where I live as they can't continue paying for XP upgrades.
      every day is a gift


        Re: second easy question:

        In Multiverse repos:


        Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
        This package will download the Flash Player from Adobe. It is a Netscape/Mozilla type plugin. Any browser based on Netscape or Mozilla can use the Flash plugin. <snip> Konqueror can also use the Flash plugin if konqueror-nsplugins is installed.

        That seems to be what you are after...


          Re: second easy question:

          If you activate the medibuntu repositories you can install the plugin using adept, or apt-get or aptitude. No sweat.


            Re: second easy question:

            adapt crashes my system, I can get into my system with puppy linux but I have put up another post about that in hope that someone will point me in the right direction since this is the third time this week that after downloading something from adapt the system works up until I turn the computer off then when I turn it on I get nowhere. anyways thanks for the advice and as soon as I get back my kubuntu system, I will install the mp3 condex you suggest
            every day is a gift

