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Cant find windows partitions

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    Cant find windows partitions

    I am trying to mount my windows partitions but i get the following error

    can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

    here is my fstab

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/hda4 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    /dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 0 2
    /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0
    /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

    I was wondering why hda1 through hda3 are not showing up

    Thanks for your help

    Re: Cant find windows partitions

    So what you want. Answer of why they are not showing up or answer of how to mount them ?

    if you want to know how to mount them, then post the output of sudo fdisk -l
    -=|From the desk of|=-
    «•´`•.(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*).•´`•»
    «•´`•.(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸).•´`•»
    Reg. Linux User # 400637


      Re: Cant find windows partitions

      here is the info form fdisk -l

      isk /dev/hda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
      240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 20673 cylinders
      Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes

      Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
      /dev/hda1 1 765 5783368+ b W95 FAT32
      /dev/hda2 766 10916 76741560 7 HPFS/NTFS
      /dev/hda3 15694 20673 37648800 5 Extended
      /dev/hda4 * 10917 15693 36114120 83 Linux
      /dev/hda5 15694 15893 1511937 82 Linux swap / Solaris
      /dev/hda6 15894 20673 36136768+ 83 Linux

      Partition table entries are not in disk order


        Re: Cant find windows partitions

        Your Windows partitions won't automatically show up in /etc/fstab--you have to put them in there. Type these commands in (I'm assuming you want FAT32 mounted to a folder called /documents and NTFS mounted to a folder called /xp--you can change these folder names to be whatever you want, but you have to modify the commands accordingly):

        sudo mkdir /xp
        sudo mkdir /documents
        sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup
        sudo kwrite /etc/fstab
        Once you're in KWrite, add these two lines in:
        /dev/hda1 /documents vfat umask=000 0  0
        /dev/hda2 /xp ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0
        Save the file. Then type
        sudo mount -a
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