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Problems installing Netscape 7.2

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    Problems installing Netscape 7.2


    I'm kinda new to Linux, so please forgive me all..

    I'm having problems installing Netscape (or Firefox) under Kubuntu 5.10. I discovered on my own by messing around that Firefox is available through some package repository, so I am currently using it now. When I try to install Netscape 7.2, at first I would get an error pertaining to { I believe } glibc .. ? So anyway, while I was messing around with this package repository thing, I installed all the compiler libraries and such for the errors I was getting. I am now currently sitting at the following error, and have nothing left with my knowledge that I can do to fix it .. here it is:

    Typing in ./netscape-installer ::

    xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
    xlib: No protocol specified

    Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0


    This is pretty much the same (I'm pretty sure it is exactly the same) error message I get when trying to install Firefox by hand. Does anyone know what I need to do just to get the Netscape installer going so I can get the thing installed on here?? I would really appreciate the help if anyone has a possable solution.


    Re: Problems installing Netscape 7.2

    I tried to install netscape 7.2 myself, and that went completely smooth. You probably have some libraries missing. I found out that you need the following:

    • # glibc
    • gtk+
    • Glib

    Make sure you have those installed those by using synaptic or apt-get, then run the installer.

