I recently started dual-booting my computer.
This is how I set it up:
I have two hard drives (hda and hdb)
I partitioned hda into hda1 (NTFS Win XP), hda2 (ext3 Kubuntu) and hda3 (swap)
I already had all my data files on hdb so I left it as it was (hdb1)
I wanted write access to my ntfs drive, so I downloaded ntfs-3g. I modifed the hdb entry as follows:
(obviously, my primary user is in group 111 (admin))
That worked fine, and upon rebooting, I checked the /media directory, and got:
as expected. Everything worked properly; I could read and write on the drive.
I used this setup for a while, and eventually, opened adept to update/upgrade everything (this may or may not be related to this issue). That was the last thing I did before shutting down my computer.
Once I restarted it, I found that my ntfs drive no longer worked as expected. Unless I was root, I lost read read access to the drive, even though I am a member of group 111 (admin). Again, strangely, an ls -l of /media gave me the results I expected (see above).
I unmounted and remounted the drive using mount -a. It worked, in that I could still read files, but I got this warning in the process:
Note: I also tried using the UUID that I found pre-configured in fstab instead of /dev/hdb1, as follows:
Any help would be appreciated. I'll probably end up switching to ext3 anyway, since dealing ntfs is starting to become a real annoyance. In the meantime, however, does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?
edit: forgot to mention this. snowhog reminded me. Using edgy (kernel version 2.6.17-11-386)
This is how I set it up:
I have two hard drives (hda and hdb)
I partitioned hda into hda1 (NTFS Win XP), hda2 (ext3 Kubuntu) and hda3 (swap)
I already had all my data files on hdb so I left it as it was (hdb1)
I wanted write access to my ntfs drive, so I downloaded ntfs-3g. I modifed the hdb entry as follows:
/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,umask=117,gid=111 0 1
That worked fine, and upon rebooting, I checked the /media directory, and got:
drw-rw---- 1 root admin 8192 2007-04-08 16:20 hdb1
I used this setup for a while, and eventually, opened adept to update/upgrade everything (this may or may not be related to this issue). That was the last thing I did before shutting down my computer.
Once I restarted it, I found that my ntfs drive no longer worked as expected. Unless I was root, I lost read read access to the drive, even though I am a member of group 111 (admin). Again, strangely, an ls -l of /media gave me the results I expected (see above).
I unmounted and remounted the drive using mount -a. It worked, in that I could still read files, but I got this warning in the process:
WARNING: Deficient FUSE kernel module detected. Some driver features are not available (swap file on NTFS, boot from NTFS by LILO), and unmount is not safe unless it's made sure the ntfs-3g process naturally terminates after calling 'umount'. The safe FUSE kernel driver is included in the official Linux kernels since version 2.6.20-rc1, or in the FUSE 2.6.0 or later software packages, except the faulty FUSE version 2.6.2. For more help, please have a look at /usr/share/doc/ntfs-3g/README.Debian. Thanks
UUID=80D43017D4301240/media/hdb1 ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,umask=117,gid=111 0 1
edit: forgot to mention this. snowhog reminded me. Using edgy (kernel version 2.6.17-11-386)