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New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

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    New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

    I have just downloaded kubuntu 6.10-desktop-i386.iso and I will be loading on an old HP Vectra Pentium II machine running XP. I would welcome any suggestions on how to do a clean install, things to look out for, etc. Also, do I need to uninstall XP and format the hard drive prior to kubuntu

    Thanks in advance,

    Re: New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

    What are the specs. on your old HP? Depending on your specs. Xubuntu may be a better choice. You don't need to get rid of XP unless you want to, or don't have the disk space for both in a dual boot. I would clean up my XP install before going much further, uninstall the stuff you can live without, defrag the hardrive, and backup any data you can't live without just in case something goes wrong. You can use the GParted liveCD to resize your windows partition, and create a Linux (ext3) partition. See: for more on GParted. Here's a nice guide for dual booting: . It outlines the process for Linux Mint, but Mint is based on Ubuntu so it might provide some insight.


      Re: New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

      The manual on the official web page is a "must read" for a linux novice. Specially the part about installing software.

      Also check this link:



        Re: New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

        A faster PC wouldn't be too pricey. Hardware is cheap, due to large companies constantly upgrading their IT dept's. I run Kubuntu on an HP Vectra P III Coppermine@866 mhz based system (small form factor). I bought it for $12 off ebay, then I dropped another $5 on an additional 128mb RAM (now it has 256mb), and $8 for a 40 gig HD to replace the stock 10 gig unit. It runs Kubuntu relatively peppy.


          Re: New to kubuntu and this forum need all the help that I can get..

          I also have an 9yr old PC, 400mhz celeron 448mb ram, if you can add more ram, then boot from the live cd, click on the install and select all the defaults including use the entire hard drive option, this will format the HDD and windows will be gone

