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Ultimate install guide

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    Ultimate install guide

    Hey guys, my names snake, new kubuntu user, new linux user. I have  to applaud anyone that helped  create kubuntu's package manager, it is a great resource. However, as good as it is, it obviously doesn't include every program ever written for debain...or linux for that matter. After googling around a bit, I couldn't find not one decent guide to install programs into kubuntu. For example: Opera. I would love install opera. Or AIM. I know GAIM Works, but I think it's ugly, and I NEED the direct connect feature. Point being, I assume there are a lot of kubuntu/ ubuntu vets here, perhaps one of them could write up a ultimate n00b guide to installing .debs, .rpms, and ,tgzs

    My problem: I don't know when I should be root to install programs (if always), I don't know where it installs to after I type

    sudo dpgk -i opera.deb

    as it's not listed in the "K" menu (i'm not sure what to call this

    Please, any help on my problems, and perhaps that ultimate guide would be a great help to me, and any other new users.


    P.S. After I get used to this for a while, expect to see me around

    EDIT: Also, when should I use ark to decompress things, and where should I decompress them to?

    Re: Ultimate install guide

    I don't know about the "ultimate" guide, but I wrote this guide, which should be a good start.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Ultimate install guide

      Yes I read that over, thats what gave me the reminder to install opera . That's a great guide, and I everything is there, but in the "2. Manual installation of a .deb" section, it says it won't check dependenices, is there any for it to do that??

      Also, where the hell does it dpkg to!? Like if I go to the package manager, and select the program I want to install (firefox, as a example) It loads it to the Kmenu ---> Internet ---> Mozilla Firefox. Then (As a arcade game for example) that loads it to Kmenu ---> Games ---> Arcade Games ---> Name of game.

      Sorry if i'm being unclear....but wouldn't opera install into the "Internet" catagory??


        Re: Ultimate install guide

        Just add it to the menu:- Right click the menu -> Edit Menu -> click on the internet list -> New item -> For name have: Opera and command: "opera" : (small o) see if that works


          Re: Ultimate install guide

          Originally posted by Snake
          Yes I read that over, thats what gave me the reminder to install opera . That's a great guide, and I everything is there, but in the "2. Manual installation of a .deb" section, it says it won't check dependenices, is there any for it to do that??
          It will check dependencies--it just won't automatically download and install them for you. The installation will fail, and it'll say "such-and-such depends on blahblahblah, which won't be installed."

          If you want dependencies to be taken care of, use Adept, Synaptic Package Manager, or apt-get.

          Also, where the hell does it dpkg to!? Like if I go to the package manager, and select the program I want to install (firefox, as a example) It loads it to the Kmenu ---> Internet ---> Mozilla Firefox. Then (As a arcade game for example) that loads it to Kmenu ---> Games ---> Arcade Games ---> Name of game.

          Sorry if i'm being unclear....but wouldn't opera install into the "Internet" catagory??
          It's up to the person who packaged the .deb. If there's a shortcut entry, it'll be added to the menu. Otherwise, you have to add it yourself.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu

