I've been trying my best to figure this problem out, searching forums and trying various things, but I'm smack out of ideas. I had 6.06 Ubuntu on my laptop and now I installed 6.10 Kubuntu from scratch. In Gnome, my computer shut off and hibernated just fine, but now it doesn't. It appears to lock up when the hibernate or powerdown reaches the end at which point I can hold down the power button and boot up again just fine later (even restore the hibernation). Restarting seems to work just fine
I've tried:
-adding 'apm=off acpi=on' to my boot script
-'poweroff -h now' in a terminal
-removing the # in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc for TermateServer=true
-apm=poweroff in the boot script
-acpi=force in the boot script
-various permutations of the above (apm=on acpi=off, etc)
Those were about the only suggestions I could find on the web. Any help would be appreciated.
I've been trying my best to figure this problem out, searching forums and trying various things, but I'm smack out of ideas. I had 6.06 Ubuntu on my laptop and now I installed 6.10 Kubuntu from scratch. In Gnome, my computer shut off and hibernated just fine, but now it doesn't. It appears to lock up when the hibernate or powerdown reaches the end at which point I can hold down the power button and boot up again just fine later (even restore the hibernation). Restarting seems to work just fine
I've tried:
-adding 'apm=off acpi=on' to my boot script
-'poweroff -h now' in a terminal
-removing the # in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc for TermateServer=true
-apm=poweroff in the boot script
-acpi=force in the boot script
-various permutations of the above (apm=on acpi=off, etc)
Those were about the only suggestions I could find on the web. Any help would be appreciated.