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Configuring KDE to run faster. At least a little bit faster would be good

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    Configuring KDE to run faster. At least a little bit faster would be good

    I know KDE is bloated. That's NOT new news. But man, KDE is just horribly slow. I got 512 RAM and a Celeron D 3.33 GHz CPU. XP Professional simply flies on this hardware. Trying to play an avi file in KDE all i get is chopped up movement and a lot of dropped frames. Especially with XINE. When I try to run more than 2 applications at a time - Firefox plus something else it takes forever for them to start up. What are the essential services that KDE needs and what are the others that i can safely turn off? Is there a How to I can read? Any suggestions, tips, etc are welcome.

    Re: Configuring KDE to run faster. At least a little bit faster would be good

    Maybe this helps:

    Kubuntu Forums > Important Information > Documentation > Experimentation/Customization/Optimization


    Topic: Speed up Kubuntu
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

