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Monitor Problems

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    Monitor Problems

    Well, I'm a linux newb so i guess i'm in the right place.

    Well, i have kubuntu installed, and its running fine. apart from one thing.
    My monitor.
    Its runnign a perfect res, adn all colours are showing, however, when I move a window, it just jumps instead of moving smoothly.
    (just like in windows when GFX card drivers arent installed.)
    I have NO idea how to solve this in linux, so if anyone can help it would be appreciated.



    Re: Monitor Problems

    It's probably the same problem as in windows, you are using some driver that is not optimal for your video card.

    To be able to help (well to be able to try) we need to know two facts: the video card model that you own and the drivers that your are runing.

    You can known what video card you have, if you do just tell it to us.

    If you don't we need to get that info from your computer. Go to the K-Menu, System, KinfoCenter. Now select PCI and search for your video card name on the right panel. It should read something about VGA.

    Of course as this is linux you can also do it in the console. It's a little weird for someone who cames from windows, but usually much easier. Just open Konsole in the same K->System menu and type.

    $ lshw | grep VGA
    And post here the answer that the computer will give you.

    Now we need to know what driver are you using. Again I will show you two was of gaining the same info, using the GUI:

    Open the K-Menu->Preferences->Screen & Monitor
    Now select the Hardware tab, and tell us what you see after driver:

    The command line way, just type:

    $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.cong | grep Driver
    and tell us the output.



      Re: Monitor Problems

      Thanks a lot! =) Im at college now on *dirty* Mac OSX but I'll give you a reply on my way home. Also, I have another problem. My computer uses a D-link Wireless dongle. To get it to work on windows I install drivers, but how do I do that on linux? Its pretty Vital that I manage to get it working, otherwise I'll have to run a 30 metre cat5 up some stairs.... > >


        Re: Monitor Problems

        Sometimes running just 30 meters of cable is the easiest solution. At least until you change your PSP2 for a WII and found that the second has only a wireless NIC. Then you had 30 meters of unused cable running (theoretically hidden) through the most strange places of your home.

        Anyway. Three things can happen with your card:

        1) It works out-of-the-box. Plug it, go to wireless manager, connect.
        2) You will need to do some minor tweaking, install linux or windows drivers through ndiswrapper
        3) It won't work or it will need massive tweaking.

        If you arrive to point 3, just bought another linux friendly dongle. It's cheaper than 30 meters of cable .

        Anyway, please ask this in a different thread, so people more familiar with wireless networking can help you. Anyway we will need to know the exact dongle model, or event best, the chipset that it uses.

        Wireless in linux is usually... fun.



          Re: Monitor Problems

          Well, The $ lshw | grep VGA returned "VGA COMPATIBLE CONTROLLER" and the hardware shows as VESA.

          K-Menu->Preferences->Screen & Monitor
          returned that I was using VESA drivers... I did something that I thought was clever.... by changing drivers to VGA.... but then when I restarted, the X11 went crazy adn wouldnt boot into GUI because it didnt support 24 colour depth or something. Lol, fixing it now... *EDIT - FIXED* (modified the drivers in xorg.conf)

          if it helps, the Graphics card is onboard >.<

          oh, and the wireless card is
          D-Link airplus DWL-G122 wireless usb adapter (REv B)


            Re: Monitor Problems



              Re: Monitor Problems

              Sorry about this but *bump*

              I could really use some help with this guys


                Re: Monitor Problems

                Have you already fixed the video card problem?

                It's quite difficult to help you if noone knows what card you re using .

                The wireless card seems to be linux-friendly, but too new and not supported out of the box.





                  Re: Monitor Problems

                  No, I didnt fix the Video card problem. The thing is, the video card is built into the motherboard. on windows I didnt install graphics card drivers, rather, I installed motherboard drivers, and they obviously had the graphics card drivers integrated. How would I find out, what I need to do?


                    Re: Monitor Problems

                    You can try:

                    $ lshw
                    In the lengthy output, search for your VGA card and give us all the details. Or you can boot into windows and check it there.

                    I'm sorry that this takes so long, but it's really hard to help you to configure a video card without knowing which kind of video card it is .



                      Re: Monitor Problems

                      Ok so i did a Dxdiag and checked my video card.


                      hopefully you can help =)

                      and about the wireless, how do i get NDISWrapper onto my linux boot, without connection to the internet? lol


                        Re: Monitor Problems

                        If you were satisfied (or now COULD BE satisfied :P ) with your display running in VESA mode, the following command from the command line will run a script that will allow you to return it to that level of function:

                        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

                        For keyboard and mouse items, you can probably accept the defaults unless you are sure of a special setting needed. For the video display, choose "VESA". When you come to the monitor settings, make sure to "x" the resolutions that you know it will support, and set a range for refresh rates (horizontal and vertical) that you think it can support. At the conclusion of the script, you should be able to run "startx" from your text prompt and start your X server.

                        If this works for you, in the future you can go into KMenu>Settings>Monitor & Display and adjust the monitor resolution, but NOT the display adapter -- that's what breaks it.



                          Re: Monitor Problems

                          Oh! a Via Chrome9. That means bad and good news.

                          The good one is that there are drivers for linux avaliable for that card.

                          The bad one is that this card is not supported by the via drivers shipped with Ubuntu Edgy. They can be applied manually, but the process is far from easy:


                          About installing ndiswrapeer, with and without internet conection avaliable:




                            Re: Monitor Problems

                            Thanks a lot! I'll look into it, and maybe if i have some trouble I can set up a remote desktop connection for you to help?

                            Hopefully I'll be ok though. Im off to make a new thread about Adept, since it just aint working =)


                              Re: Monitor Problems

                              Originally posted by f1rem0th
                              Thanks a lot! I'll look into it, and maybe if i have some trouble I can set up a remote desktop connection for you to help?
                              Sure. I'm not online all the time, but you can be lucky .


