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Strange WLAN issue: Intel Wireless 3945ABG

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    Strange WLAN issue: Intel Wireless 3945ABG

    Hi, I have a strange issue with my WLAN on my Asus VX1:

    At first I thought it was the driver: it looked like everything installed right, WPA and Knetworkmanger did their trick and the connection showed up as solid.

    But no traffic went through whatsoever. I browsed this fine forum and found many good toppics, even one with a very similar issue. The proposed fix: "sudo dhclient eth1" didn't help me either.

    Finally, I tried to disable LAN adapter and surprise! the WLAN started to work. Even re enabling the LAN didn't change this positive outcome.

    However, after each reboot I'm back to square one having to disable - re enable the LAN to get the WLAN to work.

    Another issue: On bootup the KDE Wallet comes up (called by Knetworkmanager) but I still have to reenter the WPA password. Checking KDE Wallet I can see that the correct password is stored.

    Can anyone direct a newbie into the right direction, please.

    Oh PS: eth0, LAN, has a static IP, eth1, WLAN, dhcp dynamic.