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Accessing a different partiton help !

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    Accessing a different partiton help !

    Hi !
    I was just wondering, is there any way (as I am in dual-boot), that I can access my Windows Partition under Linux ? Or do I have to reboot, put the file I need on a USB key and boot in Linux again ?
    Thanks for any reply =]

    Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

    You can access Windows from Kubuntu. Formerly this was automatic. With the introduction of Edgy you have to do this. Have a look at "Mounting Windows Partitions in Ubuntu" at This will mount Windows every time you boot and make it readable. It will not create a quick link for you, this has to be done by you too.

    The ability to write to Windows from Kubuntu is a bit more questionable. Look at " How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow users read and write access" at
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

      If you install the NTFS-3g driver which you can get in kubuntu and ubuntu repositories (here is a site with helpful instructions ; or go to the ubuntu forums and do a search for NTFS-3g). I have had this installed and my system is working perfectly fine. I have been able to read and to write to my NTFS partitions with no problem.


        Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

        Well I can see my windows paritions but it seems I can not delete files on there. I have the ntsf-g3 on my system. Could someone hel a noob out here. thanks.


          Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

          I have read-write access on my system, however i didnt use G3.

          I used automatix2 (easy installer program) and tehn used that to install teh read-write access program.

          worked great.


            Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

            Well did the same thing with automatix but I can not delete files on my windows partition? What did I do wrong?


              Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

              can you write files to the windows partition? If not then its prob that you don't have permission for the drive. Be wary changing to write permission though as from what I understand writing to ntfs through linux can cause problems. If you just want to delete a few files as a one off then just run command (alt-f2) 'kdesu konqueror', this will launch konqueror with admin rights, then simply navigate to the files and delete them.


                Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                I did this and when the progress bar comes up nothing happens. There is no progress happening so what is wrong here?


                  Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                  I think you do not have write permissions on the NTFS partition. I have a similar situation. I can read and copy (onto the linux partition) but I can't write delete or modify. I'm also unable to resize the windows NTFS partition. And I'm assuming it is because I don't have proper NTFS permissions. Try turning on "simple file sharing". In windows. If that doesn't work you'll need to add everyone group to the permissions and give them full control. (Then take everyone back out when done as it is a security risk.) If it is just one folder you need to access from linux, then just give that folder the permissions. I'm not sure you can giver permissions to an entire drive.
                  Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                    Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                    Originally posted by mastergunner
                    I did this and when the progress bar comes up nothing happens. There is no progress happening so what is wrong here?
                    I have a similar thing, when I delete files from my ext3 partition (not my root one but another) it will bring up a progress bar that goes nowhere, however I just leave this open for about 10 min (I can do other things as it doesn't slow my comp at all) and then it will suddenly go from 0 to 100% in about 5 seconds. I think its because my root partition has very little space left (less that the size of the files I'm deleting). Maybe the same thing is happening for you? Might be worth trying to delete and then just leaving the progress bar up for a while.

                    As for setting permissions on the ntfs partition: when you launch 'kdesu konqueror' you are doing things as the root user so the permissions are not an issue. However should you with to change anything so that you have permission you can easily do this. Once 'kdesu konqueror' is launched, navigate to folder or drive, right-click, properties, permissions tab, then change settings so that you can read/write and tick apply to subfolders box. Done. Another way to edit permissions for drives is by editing fstab.


                      Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                      so... doing things as a root liux user bypasses NTFS permissions? ( Devilish mind begins working. ) That can't be right. I'm gonna have to play with this. That would make hacking XP too easy.
                      Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                        Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                        Originally posted by Ant2ne
                        doing things as a root liux user bypasses NTFS permissions
                        I'd put it a little different (but not less interesting): NTFS doesn't get UNIX permissions (and vice versa) ...


                          Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                          Well this is interesting.

                          I just installed Vista on sda1 (kubuntu root on sda2) and I get
                          unable to enter file:///mnt/sda1. You do not have access rights to this location.
                          when trying to view the partition.

                          I tried installing NTFS-3g but there was no change. If I sudo konqueror, I can open the drive. I didn't have this problem in XP Pro.


                          an additional question, what is sda? what does it stand for.
                          Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                            Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                            Originally posted by Ant2ne
                            You do not have access rights to this location
                            Which may or may not result from either

                            - the permissions specified for the mount point (check: [sudo] ls -l /mnt) and/or
                            - the way the file system is mounted (check: [sudo] more /etc/mtab | grep sda).


                              Re: Accessing a different partiton help !

                              have a look in ur /etc/fstab file. These is the line I have, allows me to read/write the disk
                              Owner: root
                              Group: users
                              Owner + Group can do all, others only read and execute.

                              /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g user,users,gid=users,umask=0002 0 0

